Source code for planktos.environment

Environment class of Planktos.

Created on Tues Jan 24 2017

Author: Christopher Strickland


import sys, warnings
from pathlib import Path
import copy
from math import exp, log, sqrt
import numpy as np
import as ma
from itertools import combinations
from scipy import interpolate, stats
from scipy.spatial import distance, ConvexHull
import pandas as pd
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # OSX backend does not support blitting
    import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation, colors
from matplotlib.ticker import NullFormatter, MaxNLocator
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection

import planktos
from . import dataio
from . import motion

if dataio.NETCDF:
    from cftime import date2num

__author__ = "Christopher Strickland"
__email__ = ""
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, Christopher Strickland"

class environment:
    Rectangular environment containing fluid info, immersed meshs, and swarms.

    The environment class does much of the heavy lifting of Planktos. It loads 
    and contains information about the fluid velocity field, the dimensions of 
    the physical environment being simulated, boundary conditions for the agents, 
    the agent swarms that are in the environment, any immersed meshes, and all 
    simulation time information. Additionally, it provides functions for 
    manipulating the fluid velocity field in certain ways (e.g. extending,  
    tiling, and interpolating), calculating vorticity and FTLE, viewing info 
    about the fluid itself, and calling the move function on all swarms 
    contained in the environment. It is essential to any Planktos simulation 
    and typically the first Planktos object you create.

    Lx, Ly : float, default=10
        Length of domain in x and y direction, meters
    Lz : float, optional
        Length of domain in z direction
    x_bndry : {'zero', 'noflux', 'periodic'} as str or [str, str], default='zero'
        agent boundary condition in the x-axis (if the same on both sides), or 
        [left bndry condition, right bndry condition]. Choices are 'zero', 
        'noflux', and 'periodic'. Agents leaving a zero boundary condition will 
        be marked as masked and cease to be updated or plotted afterward. In the 
        noflux case, agents will undergo a sliding collision with the boundary. 
        Movement that would have occurred through the boundary will be projected 
        onto the boundary instead. In the periodic case, agents leaving one side 
        of the domain will reenter on the other side.
    y_bndry : str or [str, str], default='zero'
        agent boundary condition in the y-axis (if the same on both sides), or 
        [left bndry condition, right bndry condition].
    z_bndry : str or [str, str], default='noflux'
        agent boundary condition in the z-axis (if the same top and bottom), or 
        [low bndry condition, high bndry condition].
    flow : list of ndarrays, optional
        This only needs to be specified if you already have a fluid velocity field 
        loaded as a list of numpy arrays and wish to add it to the environment 
        directly. Otherwise, the fluid velocity field will be assumed to be zero 
        everywhere until something is loaded or created via a method of this class. 
        If you specify a fluid velocity field here, it should be of the following 
        [x-vel field ndarray ([t],i,j,[k]), y-vel field ndarray ([t],i,j,[k]),
        z-vel field ndarray if 3D].
        Note! i is x index, j is y index, with the value of x and y increasing
        as the index increases. It is assumed that the flow mesh is equally 
        spaced and includes values on the domain boundary. A keyword argument 
        'flow_points' must also be specified as a tuple (len==dimension) of 1D 
        arrays specifying the mesh points along each direction. If the velocity 
        field is time varying, the argument 'flow_points' must also be 
        given, which should in this case be an interable of times at which the 
        fluid velocity is specified (as indexed by t in the first dimension of 
        each of the fluid ndarrays).
    flow_times : [float, float] or increasing iterable of floats, optional
        [tstart, tend] or iterable of times at which the fluid velocity 
        is specified or scalar dt; required if flow is time-dependent.
    rho : float, optional
        fluid density of environment, kg/m**3 (optional, m here meaning length units).
        Auto-calculated if mu and nu are provided.
    mu : float, optional 
        dynamic viscosity, kg/(m*s), Pa*s, N*s/m**2 (optional, m here meaning length units).
        Auto-calculated if rho and nu are provided.
    nu : float, optional 
        kinematic viscosity, m**2/s (optional, m here meaning length units).
        Auto-calculated if rho and mu are provided.
    char_L : float, optional 
        characteristic length scale. Used for calculating Reynolds
        number, especially in the case of immersed structures (ibmesh)
        and/or when simulating inertial particles
    U : float, optional
        characteristic fluid speed. Used for some calculations.
    init_swarms : swarm object or list of swarm objects, optional
        initial swarms in this environment. Can be added later.
    units : string, default='m'
        length units to use, default is meters. Note that you will
        manually need to change self.g (accel due to gravity) if using
        something else. Also, none of the methods of this class use this 
        attribute in any way, so it's probably best to work in meters.
    ibmesh_color : matplotlib color format, optional
        color of the ibmesh. Defaults to black in 2D, 'dimgrey' in 3D.

    L : list of floats
        length of the domain [x, y, [z]] in the stated units
    units : str
        A place to remind yourself of the spatial units you are working in. Note 
        that none of the methods of this class use this attribute in any way, 
        so it's probably best to work in meters.
    bndry :  list of lists, each with two of {'zero', 'noflux', 'periodic'}
        Boundary conditions in each direction [x, y, [z]] for agents
    swarms : list of swarm objects
        The swarms that belong to this environment
    time : float
        current environment time
    time_history : list of floats
        list of past time states
    flow : list of ndarrays or fCubicSpline objects
        [x-vel field ndarray ([t],i,j,[k]), y-vel field ndarray ([t],i,j,[k]),
            z-vel field ndarray (if 3D)]. i is x index, j is y index, with the 
            value of x and y increasing as the index increases. Arrays get 
            replaced by fCubicSpline objects (if the fluid velocity is 
            temporally varying) when they are first needed.
    flow_times : ndarray of floats or None
        if specified, the time stamp for each index t in the flow arrays (time 
        varying fluid velocity fields only)
    flow_points : tuple (len==dimension) of 1D ndarrays
        points defining the spatial grid for the fluid velocity data
    fluid_domain_LLC : tuple (len==dimension) of floats
        original lower-left corner of domain (if from data)
    tiling : tuple (x,y) of floats 
        how much tiling was done in the x and y direction
    orig_L : tuple (Lx,Ly) of floats
        length of the domain in x and y direction (Lx,Ly) before tiling occured
    h_p : float
        height of porous region in analytic flows, e.g. Brinkman
    g : float
        accel due to gravity (length units/s**2). Only active for models of 
        motion that include gravity (this is not the default)
    rho : float
        fluid density, kg/m**3
    mu : float
        dynamic viscosity, kg/(m*s)
    nu : float
        kinematic viscosity, m**2/s
    char_L : float
        characteristic length, m
    U : float
        characteristic fluid speed, m/s
    netcdf : netCDF4 Dataset object
        only present if a netCDF file has been loaded for reading
    ibmesh : ndarray
        This is either an Nx2x2 array (2D, line mesh) or an Nx3x3 array (3D, 
        triangular mesh) specifying internal mesh structures that agents will 
        treat as solid barriers. Each value of the first index into the array 
        specifies a mesh element, and each 1x2 or 1x3 contained in that index 
        is a point in space (so, two for a line, three for a triangle). Avoid 
        mesh structures that intersect with a periodic boundary - behavior 
        related to this is not implemented.
    max_meshpt_dist : float
        maximum length of a mesh segment in ibmesh, typically determined 
        automatically. This is used in search algorithms to winnow down the 
        number of mesh elements to search for intersections of movement.
    ibmesh_color : matplotlib color format
        color of the ibmesh. Defaults to black in 2D, 'dimgrey' in 3D.
    plot_structs : list of function handles
        List of functions that plot additional environment structures which the 
        agents are unaware of. E.g., for visual purposes only.
    plot_structs_args : List of tuples
        List of argument tuples to be passed to plot_structs functions, after 
        ax (the plot axis object) is passed
    FTLE_largest : ndarray
        FTLE field calculated using the largest eigenvalue
    FTLE_smallest : ndarray
        FTLE field calculated using the smallest eigenvalue. take the negative 
        of this to get backward-time information
    FTLE_loc : ndarray
        spatial points on which the FTLE mesh was calculated
    FTLE_t0 : float
        start-time for the FTLE calculation
    FTLE_T : float
        integration time for FTLE
    FTLE_grid_dim : tuple of int
        grid dimension for the FTLE calculation (x,y,[z])
    mag_grad : ndarray
        acts as a cache for the gradient of magnitude of the fluid velocity
    mag_grad_time : float
        simulation time at which magnitude gradient above was calculated
    DuDt : list of ndarrays
        material derivative cache
    DuDt_time : float
        simulation time at which material derivative was calculated
    dt_interp : list of PPoly objects
        Used for temporal derivative interpolation. Set by dudt method.

    Create a 3D environment that is 10x10x10 meters with fluid density and 
    dynamic viscosity recorded. The fluid velocity is zero everywhere, but can
    be set to something different later.

    >>> envir = planktos.environment(Lz=10, rho=1000, mu=1000)

    Create a 2D 5x3 meter environment with zero fluid velocity.

    >>> envir = planktos.environment(Lx=5, Ly=3)

    def __init__(self, Lx=10, Ly=10, Lz=None,
                 x_bndry='zero', y_bndry='zero', z_bndry='noflux', flow=None,
                 flow_times=None, rho=None, mu=None, nu=None, char_L=None, 
                 U=None, init_swarms=None, units='m', ibmesh_color=None):

        # Save domain size, units
        if Lz is None:
            self.L = [Lx, Ly]
            self.L = [Lx, Ly, Lz]
        self.units = units

        # Parse boundary conditions
        self.bndry = []
        self.set_boundary_conditions(x_bndry, y_bndry, z_bndry)

        ##### Fluid velocity field variables #####
        self.flow_times = None
        self.flow_points = None # tuple (len==dim) of 1D arrays specifying the mesh
        self.fluid_domain_LLC = None # original lower-left corner, if fluid comes from data
        self.tiling = None # (x,y) tiling amount
        self.orig_L = None # (Lx,Ly) before tiling/extending
        self.mag_grad = None
        self.mag_grad_time = None
        self.DuDt = None
        self.DuDt_time = None
        self.flow = flow
        self.dt_interp = None # list of PPoly objs for temporal derivative interpolation

        if flow is not None:
                assert isinstance(flow, list)
                assert len(flow) > 1, 'flow must be specified for each dimension'
                for ii in range(len(flow)):
                    assert isinstance(flow[ii], np.ndarray)
            except AssertionError:
                tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
                raise AttributeError(
                    'flow must be specified as a list of ndarrays.').with_traceback(tb)
            if Lz is not None:
                # 3D flow
                assert len(flow) == 3, 'Must specify flow in x, y and z direction'
                if max([len(f.shape) for f in flow]) > 3:
                    # time-dependent flow
                    assert flow[0].shape[0] == flow[1].shape[0] == flow[2].shape[0]
                    assert flow_times is not None, "Must provide flow_times"
                # 2D flow
                if max([len(f.shape) for f in flow]) > 2:
                    # time-dependent flow
                    assert flow[0].shape[0] == flow[1].shape[0]
                    assert flow_times is not None, "Must provide flow_times"

        ##### swarm list #####

        if init_swarms is None:
            self.swarms = []
            if isinstance(init_swarms, list):
                self.swarms = init_swarms
                self.swarms = [init_swarms]
            # reset each swarm's environment
            for sw in self.swarms:
                sw.envir = self

        ##### Fluid Variables #####

        # rho: Fluid density kg/m**3
        # mu: Dynamic viscosity kg/(m*s)
        # nu: Kinematic viscosity m**2/s
        if rho == 0 or mu == 0 or nu == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Viscosity and density of fluid cannot be zero.")
        if rho is not None and mu is not None:
            self._rho = rho
            self._mu = mu
            self._nu = mu/rho
        elif rho is not None and nu is not None:
            self._rho = rho
            self._mu = nu*rho
            self._nu = nu
        elif mu is not None and nu is not None:
            self._rho = mu/nu
            self._mu = mu
            self._nu = nu
            self._rho = rho
            self._mu = mu
            self._nu = nu

        # characteristic length
        self.char_L = char_L
        # characteristic fluid speed
        self.U = U
        # porous region height
        self.h_p = None
        # accel due to gravity
        self.g = 9.80665 # m/s**2

        ##### Immersed Boundary Mesh #####

        # When we implement a moving mesh, use np.unique to return both
        #   unique vertex values in the ibmesh AND unique_inverse, the indices
        #   to reconstruct the mesh from the unique array. Then can update
        #   points and reconstruct.
        self.ibmesh = None # Nx2x2 or Nx3x3 (element, pt in element, (x,y,z))
        self.max_meshpt_dist = None # max length of a mesh segment
        if ibmesh_color is None:
            if Lz is None:
                self.ibmesh_color = 'k'
                self.ibmesh_color = 'dimgrey'
            self.ibmesh_color = ibmesh_color

        ##### Environment Structure Plotting #####

        # NOTE: the agents do not interact with these structures; for plotting only!

        # List of functions that plot additional environment structures
        self.plot_structs = []
        # List of arguments tuples to be passed to these functions, after ax
        self.plot_structs_args = []

        ##### Initalize Time #####

        # By default, time is updated whenever an individual swarm moves (swarm.move()),
        #   or when all swarms in the environment are collectively moved.
        self.time = 0.0
        self.time_history = []

        ##### FTLE fields #####
        self.FTLE_largest = None
        self.FTLE_smallest = None # take negative to get backward-time picture
        self.FTLE_loc = None
        self.FTLE_t0 = None
        self.FTLE_T = None
        self.FTLE_grid_dim = None

    def fluid_domain_LLC(self):
        return self._fluid_domain_LLC

    def fluid_domain_LLC(self, LLC):
        if LLC is not None and self.ibmesh is not None:
            # move any ibmesh to match the LLC shift
            for ii in range(len(LLC)):
                self.ibmesh[:,:,ii] -= LLC[ii]
        self._fluid_domain_LLC = LLC

    def mu(self):
        return self._mu

    def mu(self, m):
        self._mu = m
        if self.rho is not None and is None:
            self._nu =
        elif self.rho is None and is not None:
            self._rho =
        elif self.rho is not None and is not None:
            warnings.warn("Both nu and rho are already set. "+
                "Skipping auto-update, please verify all values for consistency!")


    def nu(self):
        return self._nu

    def nu(self, n):
        self._nu = n
        if self.rho is not None and is None:
            self._mu =
        elif self.rho is None and is not None:
            self._rho =
        elif self.rho is not None and is not None:
            warnings.warn("Both mu and rho are already set. "+
                "Skipping auto-update, please verify all values for consistency!")

    def rho(self):
        return self._rho

    def rho(self, r):
        self._rho = r
        if is not None and is None:
            self._nu =
        elif is None and is not None:
            self._mu =
        elif is not None and is not None:
            warnings.warn("Both mu and nu are already set. "+
                "Skipping auto-update, please verify all values for consistency!")

[docs] def set_brinkman_flow(self, alpha, h_p, U, dpdx, res=101, tspan=None): r'''Get a fully developed Brinkman flow with a porous region. This method sets the environment fluid velocity as a 1D Brinkman flow based on a porous layer of hight h_p in the bottom of the domain. Velocity gradient is zero in the x-direction and all flow moves parallel to the x-axis. Porous region is the lower part of the y-domain (2D) or z-domain (3D) with width h_p and an empty region above. For 3D flow, the velocity profile is the same on all slices y=c. The decision to set 2D vs. 3D flow is based on the current dimension of the environment. After this method is successfully called, the flow property of the environment class will be set to the resulting Brinkman flow, and h_p will be set in the environment's properties. Parameters ---------- alpha : float equal to 1/(hydraulic permeability). alpha=0 implies free flow (infinitely permeable) h_p : float height of porous region U : float or list of floats velocity at top of domain (v in input3d of IB2d). If a list of floats, will create a time varying fluid velocity field with Brinkman flow matching each U at a series of time points. The time points are determined by tspan. dpdx : float or list of floats dp/dx change in momentum constant. if a list, will correspond to a time varying flow field with those values of dp/dx. res : int resolution of the flow; that is, number of points at which to resolve the flow, including boundaries tspan : [float, float] or iterable of floats, optional corresponds to [tstart, tend] (start time and end time with an evenly spaced time mesh) or an iterable of times at which flow is specified in the case of a time-varying flow field. if not specified and U/dpdx are iterable, dt=1 will be used with a start time of zero. Examples -------- Create a 3D environment with time varying Brinkman flow >>> envir = planktos.environment(Lz=10, rho=1000, mu=1000) >>> U=0.1*np.array(list(range(0,5))+list(range(5,-5,-1))+list(range(-5,8,3))) >>> envir.set_brinkman_flow(alpha=66, h_p=1.5, U=U, dpdx=np.ones(20)*0.22306, res=101, tspan=[0, 20]) Notes ----- Brinkman's equation [1]_ is written as .. math:: \rho(\mathbf{u}_{t}(\mathbf{x},t) +\mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x},t)\cdot\nabla \mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x},t)) = -\nabla p(\mathbf{x},t) + \mu \nabla^2 \mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x},t) - \alpha \mu \mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x},t) where is :math:`\alpha` is the inverse of the hydraulic permeability. We take a region of height h_p where :math:`\alpha>0` with parallel shear flow above it, and we assume that the flow is steady (:math:`\partial u/\partial t=0`), fully developed (:math:`\partial u/\partial x=0`), and zero in all cross-stream directions. In this case, the equations can be reduced to an analytical solution, which is what we evaluate here. See [2]_ for more information. References ---------- .. [1] H.C. Brinkman, (1949). "A calculation of the viscous force exerted by a flowing fluid on a dense swarm of particles," Applied Scientific Research 1, 27(34). .. [2] C. Strickland, L.A. Miller, A. Santhanakrishnan, C. Hamlet, N.A. Battista, V. Pasour (2017). "Three-dimensional low Reynolds number flows near biological filtering and protective layers," Fluids, 2(62). See Also -------- set_two_layer_channel_flow set_canopy_flow ''' ##### Parse parameters ##### if tspan is not None and not hasattr(U, '__iter__'): warnings.warn("tspan specified but U is constant: Flow will be constant in time.", UserWarning) assert tspan is None or (hasattr(tspan, '__iter__') and len(tspan) > 1), 'tspan not recognized.' if hasattr(U, '__iter__'): try: assert hasattr(dpdx, '__iter__') assert len(dpdx) == len(U) except AssertionError: print('dpdx must be the same length as U.') raise if tspan is not None and len(tspan) > 2: assert len(tspan) == len(dpdx), "tspan must be same length as U/dpdx" else: assert not hasattr(dpdx, '__iter__'), 'dpdx must be the same length as U.' U = [U] dpdx = [dpdx] if is None or self.rho is None: print('Fluid properties of environment are unspecified.') print('mu = {}'.format( print('Rho = {}'.format(self.rho)) raise AttributeError ##### Calculate constant parameters ##### # Get y-mesh if len(self.L) == 2: y_mesh = np.linspace(0, self.L[1], res) b = self.L[1] - h_p else: y_mesh = np.linspace(0, self.L[2], res) b = self.L[2] - h_p ##### Calculate flow velocity ##### flow = np.zeros((len(U), res, res)) # t, y, x t = 0 for v, px in zip(U, dpdx): # Check for v = 0 if v != 0: # Calculate C and D constants and then get A and B based on these D = ((exp(-alpha*h_p)/(alpha**2**px - exp(-2*alpha*h_p)*( v/(1+alpha*b)+(2-alpha**2*b**2)*px/(2*alpha**2**(1+alpha*b))))/ (1-exp(-2*alpha*h_p)*((1-alpha*b)/(1+alpha*b)))) C = (v/(1+alpha*b) + (2-alpha**2*b**2)*px/((2*alpha**2**(1+alpha*b)) - D*(1-alpha*b)/(1+alpha*b)) A = alpha*C - alpha*D B = C + D - px/(alpha**2* for n, z in enumerate(y_mesh-h_p): if z > 0: #Region I flow[t,n,:] = z**2*px/(2* + A*z + B else: #Region 2 if C > 0 and D > 0: flow[t,n,:] = exp(log(C)+alpha*z) + exp(log(D)-alpha*z) - px/(alpha**2* elif C <= 0 and D > 0: flow[t,n,:] = exp(log(D)-alpha*z) - px/(alpha**2* elif C > 0 and D <= 0: flow[t,n,:] = exp(log(C)+alpha*z) - px/(alpha**2* else: flow[t,n,:] = -px/(alpha**2* else: print('U=0: returning zero flow for these time-steps.') t += 1 flow = flow.squeeze() # This is 2D Brinkman flow, either t,y,x or y,x. ##### Set flow in either 2D or 3D domain ##### if len(self.L) == 2: # 2D if len(flow.shape) == 2: # no time; (y,x) -> (x,y) coordinates flow = flow.T self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow)] #x-direction, y-direction self.__set_flow_variables() else: #time-dependent; (t,y,x)-> (t,x,y) coordinates flow = np.transpose(flow, axes=(0, 2, 1)) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow)] if tspan is None: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=1) else: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=tspan) else: # 3D if len(flow.shape) == 2: # (z,x) -> (x,y,z) coordinates flow = np.broadcast_to(flow, (res, res, res)) #(y,z,x) flow = np.transpose(flow, axes=(2, 0, 1)) #(x,y,z) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow), np.zeros_like(flow)] self.__set_flow_variables() else: # (t,z,x) -> (t,z,y,x) coordinates flow = np.broadcast_to(flow, (res,flow.shape[0],res,res)) #(y,t,z,x) flow = np.transpose(flow, axes=(1, 3, 0, 2)) #(t,x,y,z) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow), np.zeros_like(flow)] if tspan is None: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=1) else: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=tspan) self.__reset_flow_variables() self.h_p = h_p
def __set_flow_variables(self, tspan=None): '''Store points at which flow is specified, and time information. Parameters ---------- tspan : float, floats [tstart, tend], or iterable, optional times at which flow is specified or scalar dt. Required if flow is time-dependent; None will be interpreted as non time-dependent flow. ''' # Get points defining the spatial grid for flow data points = [] if tspan is None: # no time-dependent flow for dim, mesh_size in enumerate(self.flow[0].shape[::-1]): points.append(np.linspace(0, self.L[dim], mesh_size)) else: # time-dependent flow for dim, mesh_size in enumerate(self.flow[0].shape[:0:-1]): points.append(np.linspace(0, self.L[dim], mesh_size)) self.flow_points = tuple(points) # set time if tspan is not None: if not hasattr(tspan, '__iter__'): # set flow_times based off zero self.flow_times = np.arange(0, tspan*self.flow[0].shape[0], tspan) elif len(tspan) == 2: self.flow_times = np.linspace(tspan[0], tspan[1], self.flow[0].shape[0]) else: assert len(tspan) == self.flow[0].shape[0] self.flow_times = np.array(tspan) else: self.flow_times = None
[docs] def set_two_layer_channel_flow(self, a, h_p, Cd, S, res=101): '''Apply wide-channel flow with vegetation layer according to the two-layer model described in Defina and Bixio (2005), "Vegetated Open Channel Flow" [3]_. The decision to set 2D vs. 3D flow is based on the current dimension of the environment and the fluid velocity is always time-independent. Parameters ---------- a : float vegetation density, given by Az*m, where Az is the frontal area of vegetation per unit depth and m the number of stems per unit area (1/m), assumed constant h_p : float plant height (m) Cd : float drag coefficient, assumed uniform (unitless) S : float bottom slope (unitless, 0-1 with 0 being no slope, resulting in no flow) res : int number of points at which to resolve the flow, including boundaries See Also -------- set_brinkman_flow set_canopy_flow Notes ----- In addition to self.flow, this will set self.h_p = a References ---------- .. [3] A. Defina and A.C. Bixio, (2005). "Mean flow and turbulence in vegetated open channel flow," Water Resources Research, 41(7). ''' # Get channel height H = self.L[-1] # Get empirical length scale, Meijer and Van Valezen (1999) alpha = 0.0144*sqrt(H*h_p) # dimensionless beta beta = sqrt(Cd*a*h_p**2/alpha) # Von Karman's constant chi = 0.4 # Get y-mesh y_mesh = np.linspace(0, H, res) # Find layer division h_p_index = np.searchsorted(y_mesh,h_p) # get flow velocity profile for vegetation layer u = np.zeros_like(y_mesh) u[:h_p_index] = np.sqrt(2*self.g*S/(beta*alpha/h_p**2)*( (H/h_p-1)*np.sinh(beta*y_mesh[:h_p_index]/h_p)/np.cosh(beta) + 1/beta)) # compute u_h_p u_h_p = np.sqrt(2*self.g*S/(beta*alpha/h_p**2)*( (H/h_p-1)*np.sinh(beta)/np.cosh(beta) + 1/beta)) # estimate du_h_p/dz delta_z = 0.000001 u_h_p_lower = np.sqrt(2*self.g*S/(beta*alpha/h_p**2)*( (H/h_p-1)*np.sinh(beta*(h_p-delta_z)/h_p)/np.cosh(beta) + 1/beta)) du_h_pdz = (u_h_p-u_h_p_lower)/delta_z # calculate h_s parameter h_s = (self.g*S+np.sqrt((self.g*S)**2 + (4*(chi*du_h_pdz)**2) *self.g*S*(H-h_p) ))/(2*chi**2*du_h_pdz**2) # friction velocity, Klopstra et al. (1997), Nepf and Vivoni (2000) d = h_p - h_s u_star = np.sqrt(self.g*S*(H-d)) # calculate z_0 parameter z_0 = h_s*np.exp(-chi*u_h_p/u_star) # get flow velocity profile for surface layer u[h_p_index:] = u_star/chi*np.log((y_mesh[h_p_index:]-d)/z_0) # broadcast to flow if len(self.L) == 2: # 2D self.flow = [np.broadcast_to(u,(res,res)), np.zeros((res,res))] else: # 3D self.flow = [np.broadcast_to(u,(res,res,res)), np.zeros((res,res,res)), np.zeros((res,res,res))] # housekeeping self.__set_flow_variables() self.__reset_flow_variables() self.fluid_domain_LLC = None self.h_p = h_p
[docs] def set_canopy_flow(self, h, a, u_star=None, U_h=None, beta=0.3, C=0.25, res=101, tspan=None): ''' Apply flow within and above a uniform homogenous canopy according to the model described in Finnigan and Belcher (2004), "Flow over a hill covered with a plant canopy" [4]_. The decision to set 2D vs. 3D flow is based on the current dimension of the environment. Default values for beta and C are based on Finnigan & Belcher [4]_. Must specify two of u_star, U_h, and beta, though beta has a default value of 0.3 so just giving u_star or U_h will also work. If one of u_star, U_h, or beta is given as a list-like object, the flow will vary in time. Parameters ---------- h : float height of canopy (m) a : float leaf area per unit volume of space $m^{-1}$. Typical values are a=1.0 for dense spruce to a=0.1 for open woodland u_star : float, optional (may set U_h instead) canopy friction velocity. u_star = U_h*beta if not set U_h : float, optional (may set u_star instead) wind speed at top of canopy. U_h = u_star/beta if not set beta : float, default=0.3 mass flux through the canopy (u_star/U_h) C : float, default=0.25 drag coefficient of indivudal canopy elements res : int number of points at which to resolve the flow, including boundaries tspan : [float, float] or iterable of floats, optional [tstart, tend] or iterable of times at which flow is specified if None and u_star, U_h, and/or beta are iterable, dt=1 will be used. See Also -------- set_brinkman_flow set_two_layer_channel_flow Notes ----- In addition to self.flow, this will set self.h_p = h References ---------- .. [4] J.J. Finnigan and S.E. Belcher, (2004). "Flow over a hill covered with a plant canopy," Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 130(596), 1-29. ''' ##### Parse parameters ##### # Make sure that at least two of the three flow parameters have been specified none_num = 0 if u_star is None: none_num +=1 if U_h is None: none_num +=1 if beta is None: none_num +=1 assert none_num < 2, "At least two of u_star, U_h, and beta must be specified." # If tspan is given, check that a flow parameter varies. if tspan is not None and not (hasattr(u_star, '__iter__') or hasattr(U_h, '__iter__') or hasattr(beta, '__iter__')): warnings.warn("tspan specified but parameters are constant: Flow will be constant in time.", UserWarning) assert tspan is None or (hasattr(tspan, '__iter__') and len(tspan) > 1), 'tspan format not recognized.' # Sanity checks for time varying flow iter_length = None # variable for time length if hasattr(u_star, '__iter__') or hasattr(U_h, '__iter__') or hasattr(beta, '__iter__'): # check that less than two are scalars, otherwise relation won't hold. # Also get the number of time points scal_num = 0 if not hasattr(u_star, '__iter__') and u_star is not None: scal_num +=1 elif u_star is not None: iter_length = len(u_star) if not hasattr(U_h, '__iter__') and U_h is not None: scal_num +=1 elif iter_length is not None and U_h is not None: assert len(U_h) == iter_length, "u_star and U_h must be the same length" elif U_h is not None: iter_length = len(U_h) if not hasattr(beta, '__iter__') and beta is not None: scal_num +=1 elif iter_length is not None and beta is not None: assert len(beta) == iter_length, "non-scalar flow parameters must be the same length" elif beta is not None: iter_length = len(beta) assert scal_num < 2, "Only one of u_star, U_h, and beta can be scalars for time varying flow" if tspan is not None and len(tspan) > 2: assert len(tspan) == iter_length, "tspan must be same length as time-varying parameters" elif tspan is not None: iter_length = len(tspan) # Convert flow parameters to numpy arrays to deal with inf/nan division if u_star is not None: u_star = np.array([u_star], dtype=np.float64).squeeze() if U_h is not None: U_h = np.array([U_h], dtype=np.float64).squeeze() if beta is not None: beta = np.array([beta], dtype=np.float64).squeeze() # Get domain height d_height = self.L[-1] # create zmesh zmesh = np.linspace(-h,d_height-h,res) # calculate adjustment length-scale of the canopy L_c = 1/(C*a) print("Adjustment length scale, L_c = {} m".format(L_c)) print("h/L_c = {}. Model assumes h/L_c >> 1; verify that this is the case!!".format(h/L_c)) # calculate canopy mixing length and print if beta is None: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): beta = u_star/U_h # U_h==0 and/or u_star==0 implies no flow beta[beta == np.inf] = 0 beta[beta == -np.inf] = 0 beta[beta == np.nan] = 0 l = 2*beta**3*L_c print("Canopy mixing length, l = {} m".format(l)) if u_star is not None: if U_h is not None: assert np.isclose(U_h*beta, u_star), "Flow not set: the relation U_h=u_star/beta must be satisfied." else: # calculate mean wind speed at top of the canopy with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): U_h = u_star/beta # beta==0 and/or u_star==0 implies no flow U_h[U_h == np.inf] = 0 U_h[U_h == -np.inf] = 0 U_h[U_h == np.nan] = 0 print("Mean wind spead at canopy top, U_h = {} {}/s".format(U_h, self.units)) else: assert U_h is not None, "Flow not set: One of u_star or U_h must be specified." u_star = U_h*beta #print("Canopy friction velocity, u_star = {}.".format(U_h*beta)) # calculate constants needed above canopy kappa = 0.4 # von Karman's constant d = l/kappa # calculate vertical wind profile at given resolution if iter_length is None: U_B = np.zeros_like(zmesh) U_B[zmesh<=0] = U_h*np.exp(beta*zmesh[zmesh<=0]/l) U_B[zmesh>0] = u_star/kappa*np.log((zmesh[zmesh>0]+d)/(d*np.exp(-kappa/beta))) else: with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): beta_l = beta/l kappa_beta = kappa/beta if type(beta_l) is np.ndarray: beta_l[beta_l == np.inf] = 0 kappa_beta[kappa_beta == np.inf] = 0 beta_l[beta_l == -np.inf] = 0 kappa_beta[kappa_beta == -np.inf] = 0 beta_l[beta_l == np.nan] = 0 kappa_beta[kappa_beta == np.nan] = 0 U_B = np.zeros((iter_length,len(zmesh))) U_B[:,zmesh<=0] = np.tile(U_h,(len(zmesh[zmesh<=0]),1)).T*np.exp( np.outer(beta_l,zmesh[zmesh<=0])) z_0_mat = np.tile(d*np.exp(-kappa_beta),(len(zmesh[zmesh>0]),1)).T U_B[:,zmesh>0] = np.tile(u_star/kappa,(len(zmesh[zmesh>0]),1)).T*np.log( np.add.outer(d,zmesh[zmesh>0])/z_0_mat) # each row is a different time point, and z is across columns # broadcast to flow if iter_length is None: # time independent if len(self.L) == 2: # 2D flow = np.broadcast_to(U_B,(res,res)) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow)] else: # 3D flow = np.broadcast_to(U_B,(res,res,res)) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow), np.zeros_like(flow)] self.__set_flow_variables() else: # time dependent if len(self.L) == 2: # 2D # broadcast from (t,y) -> (x,t,y) flow = np.broadcast_to(U_B, (res, iter_length, res)) # transpose: (x,t,y) -> (t,x,y) flow = np.transpose(flow, axes=(1, 0, 2)) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow)] else: # 3D # broadcast from (t,y) -> (x,y,t,z) flow = np.broadcast_to(U_B, (res, res, iter_length, res)) # transpose: (x,y,t,z) -> (t,x,y,z) flow = np.transpose(flow, axes=(2,0,1,3)) self.flow = [flow, np.zeros_like(flow), np.zeros_like(flow)] if tspan is None: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=1) else: self.__set_flow_variables(tspan=tspan) # housekeeping self.__reset_flow_variables() self.fluid_domain_LLC = None self.h_p = h
[docs] def read_IB2d_vtk_data(self, path, dt, print_dump, d_start=0, d_finish=None): '''Reads in vtk flow velocity data generated by IB2d and sets environment variables accordingly. Can read in vector data with filenames u.####.vtk or scalar data with filenames uX.####.vtk and uY.####.vtk. IB2d is an Immersed Boundary (IB) code for solving fully coupled fluid-structure interaction models in Python and MATLAB. The code is hosted at Parameters ---------- path : str path to folder with vtk data dt : float dt in input2d print_dump : int print_dump in input2d d_start : int, default=0 number of first vtk dump to read in d_finish : int, optional number of last vtk dump to read in, or None to read to end auto_regrid : bool, default=True IB2d always has periodic BC and returns a VTK with fluid specified at the center of the mesh cells. Regrid based on this information to make the fluid periodic within Planktos and to fill out the domain. ''' ##### Parse parameters and read in data ##### path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("Directory {} not found!".format(str(path))) #infer d_finish file_names = [ for x in path.iterdir() if x.is_file()] if 'u.' in [x[:2] for x in file_names]: u_nums = sorted([int(f[2:6]) for f in file_names if f[:2] == 'u.']) if d_finish is None: d_finish = u_nums[-1] vector_data = True else: assert 'uX.' in [x[:3] for x in file_names],\ "Could not find u.####.vtk or uX.####.vtk files in {}.".format(str(path)) u_nums = sorted([int(f[3:7]) for f in file_names if f[:3] == 'uX.']) if d_finish is None: d_finish = u_nums[-1] vector_data = False X_vel = [] Y_vel = [] path = str(path) # Get string for passing into functions print('Reading vtk data...') for n in range(d_start, d_finish+1): # Points to desired data viz_IB2d data file if n < 10: numSim = '000'+str(n) elif n < 100: numSim = '00'+str(n) elif n < 1000: numSim = '0'+str(n) else: numSim = str(n) # Imports (x,y) grid values and ALL Eulerian Data % # DEFINITIONS # x: x-grid y: y-grid # Omega: vorticity P: pressure # uMag: mag. of velocity # uX: mag. of x-Velocity uY: mag. of y-Velocity # u: velocity vector # Fx: x-directed Force Fy: y-directed Force # # Note: U(j,i): j-corresponds to y-index, i to the x-index if vector_data: # read in vector velocity data strChoice = 'u'; xy = True uX, uY, x, y = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(path, numSim, strChoice,xy) X_vel.append(uX.T) # (y,x) -> (x,y) coordinates Y_vel.append(uY.T) # (y,x) -> (x,y) coordinates else: # read in x-directed Velocity Magnitude # strChoice = 'uX'; xy = True uX,x,y = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(path,numSim, strChoice,xy) X_vel.append(uX.T) # (y,x) -> (x,y) coordinates # read in y-directed Velocity Magnitude # strChoice = 'uY' uY = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(path,numSim, strChoice) Y_vel.append(uY.T) # (y,x) -> (x,y) coordinates ###### The following is just for reference! ###### # read in Vorticity # # strChoice = 'Omega'; first = 0 # Omega = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(pathViz,numSim, # strChoice,first) # read in Pressure # # strChoice = 'P'; first = 0 # P = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(pathViz,numSim, # strChoice,first) # read in Velocity Magnitude # # strChoice = 'uMag'; first = 0 # uMag = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(pathViz,numSim, # strChoice,first) # read in x-directed Forces # # strChoice = 'Fx'; first = 0 # Fx = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(pathViz,numSim, # strChoice,first) # read in y-directed Forces # # strChoice = 'Fy'; first = 0 # Fy = dataio.read_2DEulerian_Data_From_vtk(pathViz,numSim, # strChoice,first) ################################################### print('Done!') ### Save data ### if d_start != d_finish: self.flow = [np.transpose(np.dstack(X_vel),(2,0,1)), np.transpose(np.dstack(Y_vel),(2,0,1))] self.flow_times = np.arange(d_start,d_finish+1)*print_dump*dt # shift time so that flow starts at t=0 self.flow_times -= self.flow_times[0] else: self.flow = [X_vel[0], Y_vel[0]] self.flow_times = None # shift domain to quadrant 1 self.flow_points = (x-x[0], y-y[0]) self.fluid_domain_LLC = (x[0], y[0]) ### Convert environment dimensions and add back the periodic gridpoints ### self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(2)] self.wrap_flow(periodic_dim=(True, True))
[docs] def read_IBAMR3d_vtk_data(self, filename, vel_conv=None, grid_conv=None): '''Reads in vtk flow data from a single source and sets environment variables accordingly. The resulting flow will be time invarient. It is assumed this data is a rectilinear grid. All environment variables will be reset. Parameters ---------- filename : string filename of data to read, incl. file extension vel_conv : float, optional scalar to multiply the velocity by in order to convert units grid_conv : float, optional scalar to multiply the grid by in order to convert units ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(filename)) data, mesh, time = dataio.read_vtk_Rectilinear_Grid_Vector(filename) if vel_conv is not None: print("Converting vel units by a factor of {}.".format(vel_conv)) for ii, d in enumerate(data): data[ii] = d*vel_conv if grid_conv is not None: print("Converting grid units by a factor of {}.".format(grid_conv)) for ii, m in enumerate(mesh): mesh[ii] = m*grid_conv self.flow = data self.flow_times = None # shift domain to quadrant 1 self.flow_points = (mesh[0]-mesh[0][0], mesh[1]-mesh[1][0], mesh[2]-mesh[2][0]) ### Convert environment dimensions and reset simulation time ### self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(3)] self.__reset_flow_variables() # record the original lower left corner (can be useful for later imports) self.fluid_domain_LLC = (mesh[0][0], mesh[1][0], mesh[2][0])
[docs] def read_IBAMR3d_vtk_dataset(self, path, start=None, finish=None): '''Reads in vtk flow data generated by VisIt from IBAMR and sets environment variables accordingly. Assumes that the vtk filenames are IBAMR_db_###.vtk where ### is the dump number, as automatically done with Also assumes that the mesh is the same for each vtk. Imported times will be translated backward so that the first time loaded corresponds to an agent environment time of 0.0. Parameters ---------- path : string path to vtk data start : int, optional vtk file number to start with. If None, start at first one. finish : int, optional vtk file number to end with. If None, end with last one. ''' path = Path(path) if not path.is_dir(): raise FileNotFoundError("Directory {} not found!".format(str(path))) file_names = [ for x in path.iterdir() if x.is_file() and[:9] == 'IBAMR_db_'] file_nums = sorted([int(f[9:12]) for f in file_names]) if start is None: start = file_nums[0] else: start = int(start) assert start in file_nums, "Start number not found!" if finish is None: finish = file_nums[-1] else: finish = int(finish) assert finish in file_nums, "Finish number not found!" ### Gather data ### flow = [[], [], []] flow_times = [] for n in range(start, finish+1): if n < 10: num = '00'+str(n) elif n < 100: num = '0'+str(n) else: num = str(n) this_file = path / ('IBAMR_db_'+num+'.vtk') data, mesh, time = dataio.read_vtk_Rectilinear_Grid_Vector(str(this_file)) for dim in range(3): flow[dim].append(data[dim]) flow_times.append(time) ### Save data ### self.flow = [np.array(flow[0]).squeeze(), np.array(flow[1]).squeeze(), np.array(flow[2]).squeeze()] # parse time information if None not in flow_times and len(flow_times) > 1: # shift time so that the first time is 0. self.flow_times = np.array(flow_times) - min(flow_times) elif None in flow_times and len(flow_times) > 1: # could not parse time information warnings.warn("Could not retrieve time information from at least"+ " one vtk file. Assuming unit time-steps...", UserWarning) self.flow_times = np.arange(len(flow_times)) else: self.flow_times = None # shift domain to quadrant 1 self.flow_points = (mesh[0]-mesh[0][0], mesh[1]-mesh[1][0], mesh[2]-mesh[2][0]) ### Convert environment dimensions and reset simulation time ### self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(3)] self.__reset_flow_variables() # record the original lower left corner (can be useful for later imports) self.fluid_domain_LLC = (mesh[0][0], mesh[1][0], mesh[2][0])
[docs] def read_comsol_vtu_data(self, filename, vel_conv=None, grid_conv=None): '''Reads in vtu flow data from a single source and sets environment variables accordingly. The resulting flow will be time invarient. It is assumed this data is on a regular grid and that a grid section is included in the data. FOR NOW, THIS IS TIME INVARIANT ONLY. All environment variables will be reset. Parameters ---------- filename : string filename of data to read, incl. file extension vel_conv : float, optional scalar to multiply the velocity by in order to convert units grid_conv : float, optional scalar to multiply the grid by in order to convert units ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(str(filename))) data, mesh = dataio.read_vtu_mesh_velocity(filename) if vel_conv is not None: print("Converting vel units by a factor of {}.".format(vel_conv)) for ii, d in enumerate(data): data[ii] = d*vel_conv if grid_conv is not None: print("Converting grid units by a factor of {}.".format(grid_conv)) for ii, m in enumerate(mesh): mesh[ii] = m*grid_conv self.flow = data self.flow_times = None # shift domain to quadrant 1 self.flow_points = (mesh[0]-mesh[0][0], mesh[1]-mesh[1][0], mesh[2]-mesh[2][0]) ### Convert environment dimensions and reset simulation time ### self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(3)] self.__reset_flow_variables() # record the original lower left corner (can be useful for later imports) self.fluid_domain_LLC = (mesh[0][0], mesh[1][0], mesh[2][0])
[docs] def load_NetCDF(self, filename): '''Load a NetCDF file into the netcdf attribute of the environment. Does not automatically read in any data. Because NetCDF files can contain multiple data sets with different dimension names and associated metadata, and because it may be desirable to explore the data set first and/or load only a subset of the data, this method just loads the Dataset into the environment object. See the documentation/tutorial for netCDF4 on ways to read the metadata for the loaded Dataset. See read_NetCDF_flow for reading in data from a loaded NetCDF dataset. Parameters ---------- filename : string path and filename of the NetCDF file, including extension See Also -------- read_NetCDF_flow : read in data from a loaded NetCDF dataset ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(str(filename))) self.netcdf = dataio.load_netcdf(filename)
[docs] def read_NetCDF_flow(self, flow_x, flow_y=None, flow_z=None, vec_idx=None, dim_reorder=None, x_name=None, y_name=None, z_name=None, time_name=None, conv_time=False): '''Read NetCDF fluid data into the environment. Must first have loaded a NetCDF dataset with load_NetCDF. The default expectation is that the x, y, and z components of the fluid velocity data are specified in separate Variables. If that is not the case, then the index of the Variable dimension which specifies the component of the vector must be supplied in the parameter vec_idx (base 0). It will be assumed that the ordering in this Dimension is x, y, then z components. This method assumes that mesh point values in the x, y, and z directions are given by Variables which have the same name as the Dimensions of the fluid flow Variables. If so, the method will automatically find and load them. Otherwise, strings must be specified for x_name, y_name, and z_name giving the Variable names. The same goes for the time mesh data. **Blurb about time conversion** If the coordinate variables have a Unit attribute, this will be loaded as the environment's units. Parameters ---------- flow_x : string Variable name (or path, if the variable is inside group) to the fluid velocity data for the x-direction, or for all directions. flow_y : string, optional Variable name (or path, if the variable is inside group) to the fluid velocity data for the y-direction. If all directions are in the same variable, this does not need to be supplied, but vec_idx must be supplied instead. flow_z : string, optional Similar to flow_y. vec_idx : int, optional Index of the variable dimension along which the different components of the velocity are given. Leave as None if the components are given in separate variables. dim_reorder : tuple or list of ints, optional Fluid velocity data is stored within this class in the dimensional ordering ([time], x, y, [z]). If this matches the NetCDF ordering, then no adjustment is necessary. Otherwise, this must be specified as a tuple or list which contains a permutation of [0,1,..,N-1] where N is the number of spatial-temporal dimensions and the numbers correspond to where each dimension of the NetCDF variable should go in the Planktos ordering. If the NetCDF variable has a dimension specifying the component of the fluid velocity, ignore it and do not include it in the permutation list. x_name : string, optional Variable name (or path, if the variable is inside a group) for the coordinate variable corresponding with the x spatial direction. Only necessary if different from the NetCDF Dimension name. y_name : string, optional Similar to x_name. z_name : string, optional Similar to x_name. time_name : string, optional Variable name (or path, if the variable is inside a group) for the coordinate variable corresponding with the time dimension. Only necessary if different from the NetCDF Dimension name. conv_time : bool, default=False If the time variable is not numerical, set this to True in order to convert from a time format relative to a fixed date using a certain calendar to floating point numerical values. In this case, it will be expected that the time variable is a sequence of datetime objects, so conversion of this variable from a string to the python datetime object may be required first. Uses the date2num function provided by cftime. See Notes below for expected formatting in this case. See Also -------- load_NetCDF : Load a NetCDF file into the netcdf environment attribute. Notes ----- In order for the date2num conversion to work, units and a calendar must be specified in the coordinate variable for time. Specifically, the attribute of the time variable named "units" must be a string of the form "<time units> since <reference time>". <time units> can be days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds or microseconds. <reference time> is the time origin. months since is allowed only for the 360_day calendar and common_years since is allowed only for the 365_day calendar. The attribute of the time variable named "calendar" must be a string descrbing the calendar to be used in the time calculations. All values in the CF metadata convention are supported. Valid calendars ‘standard’, ‘gregorian’, ‘proleptic_gregorian’ ‘noleap’, ‘365_day’, ‘360_day’, ‘julian’, ‘all_leap’, ‘366_day’. Default is None which means the calendar associated with the first input datetime instance will be used. ''' if flow_y is None: assert vec_idx is not None, "vec_idx must be specified if there is only one fluid variable" # Get the flow data, permuting the axes as necessary flow = [] if vec_idx is None: if dim_reorder is None: flow.append(self.netcdf[flow_x][:]) flow.append(self.netcdf[flow_y][:]) if flow_z is not None: flow.append(self.netcdf[flow_z][:]) else: flow.append(np.transpose(self.netcdf[flow_x][:], dim_reorder)) flow.append(np.transpose(self.netcdf[flow_y][:], dim_reorder)) if flow_z is not None: flow.append(np.transpose(self.netcdf[flow_z][:], dim_reorder)) else: dim = self.netcdf[flow_x].shape[vec_idx] full_flow = np.moveaxis(self.netcdf[flow_x][:], vec_idx, 0) if dim_reorder is None: for d in range(dim): flow.append(full_flow[d,...]) else: for d in range(dim): flow.append(np.transpose(full_flow[d,...], dim_reorder)) # Detect time dependence and spatial dimension ts_dim = len(flow[0].shape) if vec_idx is None: if flow_z is None: time_dep = ts_dim == 3 else: time_dep = ts_dim == 4 else: time_dep = dim != ts_dim if time_dep: s_dim = ts_dim-1 else: s_dim = ts_dim # Get dimension ordering inside NetCDF if vec_idx is None and dim_reorder is None: dim_order = np.arange(ts_dim) elif dim_reorder is None: dim_order = np.arange(ts_dim) dim_order[vec_idx:] += 1 else: if vec_idx is None: dim_idx_reorder = dim_reorder else: dim_idx_reorder = list(dim_reorder).insert(vec_idx, 99) dim_order = [] for d in range(len(dim_reorder)): for idx, val in enumerate(dim_idx_reorder): if d == val: dim_order.append(idx) break # Get spatial mesh data if time_dep: t = 1 else: t = 0 if x_name is None: x_name = self.netcdf[flow_x].dimensions[dim_order[0+t]] flow_points_x = self.netcdf[x_name][:] try: s_units = self.netcdf[x_name].units except AttributeError: s_units = None if y_name is None: y_name = self.netcdf[flow_x].dimensions[dim_order[1+t]] flow_points_y = self.netcdf[y_name][:] if s_dim > 2: if z_name is None: z_name = self.netcdf[flow_x].dimensions[dim_order[2+t]] flow_points_z = self.netcdf[z_name][:] # Get time data, converting if necessary if time_dep: if time_name is None: time_name = self.netcdf[flow_x].dimensions[dim_order[0]] if conv_time: flow_times = date2num(self.netcdf[time_name][:], units=self.netcdf[time_name].units, calendar=self.netcdf[time_name].calendar) else: flow_times = self.netcdf[time_name][:] # Set environment variables and reset LLC to origin self.flow = flow if s_units is not None: self.units = s_units if s_dim == 2: self.flow_points = (flow_points_x-flow_points_x[0], flow_points_y-flow_points_y[0]) else: self.flow_points = (flow_points_x-flow_points_x[0], flow_points_y-flow_points_y[0], flow_points_z-flow_points_z[0]) self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(s_dim)] if time_dep: self.flow_times = flow_times self.__reset_flow_variables() if s_dim == 2: self.fluid_domain_LLC = (flow_points_x[0], flow_points_y[0]) else: self.fluid_domain_LLC = (flow_points_x[0], flow_points_y[0], flow_points_z[0])
[docs] def wrap_flow(self, periodic_dim=(True, True, False)): '''In some cases, software may print out fluid velocity data that omits the velocities at the right boundaries in spatial dimensions that are meant to be periodic. This helper function restores that data by copying everything over. 3rd dimension will automatically be ignored if 2D. Parameters ---------- periodic_dim : list of 3 bool, default=[True, True, False] True if that spatial dimension is periodic, otherwise False ''' dim = len(self.flow_points) if dim == len(self.flow[0].shape): TIME_DEP = False else: TIME_DEP = True dx = np.array([self.flow_points[d][-1]-self.flow_points[d][-2] for d in range(dim)]) # find new flow field shape new_flow_shape = np.array(self.flow[0].shape) if not TIME_DEP: new_flow_shape += 1*np.array(periodic_dim) else: new_flow_shape[1:] += 1*np.array(periodic_dim) # create new flow field, putting old data in lower left corner new_flow = [np.zeros(new_flow_shape) for d in range(dim)] if TIME_DEP: old_shape = self.flow[0].shape[1:] else: old_shape = self.flow[0].shape for d in range(dim): if dim == 2: new_flow[d][...,:old_shape[0],:old_shape[1]] = self.flow[d] else: new_flow[d][...,:old_shape[0],:old_shape[1],:old_shape[2]] = self.flow[d] # replace old flow field self.flow = new_flow # fill in the new edges and update flow points flow_points = [] for d in range(dim): if periodic_dim[d]: flow_points.append(np.append(self.flow_points[d], self.flow_points[d][-1]+dx[d])) for dd in range(dim): if d == 0 and not TIME_DEP: self.flow[dd][-1,...] = self.flow[dd][0,...] elif d == 0 and TIME_DEP: self.flow[dd][:,-1,...] = self.flow[dd][:,0,...] elif d == 1 and not TIME_DEP: self.flow[dd][:,-1,...] = self.flow[dd][:,0,...] elif d == 1 and TIME_DEP: self.flow[dd][:,:,-1,...] = self.flow[dd][:,:,0,...] else: self.flow[dd][...,-1] = self.flow[dd][...,0] else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[d]) # replace old flow points self.flow_points = tuple(flow_points) # replace domain length self.L = [self.flow_points[d][-1] for d in range(dim)] self.__reset_flow_variables()
[docs] def center_cell_regrid(self, periodic_dim=(False, False, False)): '''Re-grids data that was specified at the center of cells instead of at the corners. NOTE! This needs to be called *before* any immersed meshes are loaded. It will NOT look for and properly shift these meshes. Software has a tendency to output data files where the fluid mesh is specified at the center of cells rather than at the corners. This will be readily apparent if Planktos loads your fluid velocity data and reports spacial dimensions one dx, dy, and dz smaller than you were expecting. To fix this, Planktos will interpolate/extrapolate the fluid velocity mesh using the default method to get additional grid points on the edge of the domain. Periodicity can be enforced in specified dimensions. Parameters ---------- periodic_dim : list-like of 2 or 3 bool, default=(True, True, False) True if that spatial dimension is periodic, otherwise False. The 3rd entry will be ignored in the 2D case. ''' # Detect cell width in each dimension based on the first two coordinates # in each spatial dimension dx = self.flow_points[0][1] - self.flow_points[0][0] dy = self.flow_points[1][1] - self.flow_points[1][0] if len(self.L) > 2: dz = self.flow_points[2][1] - self.flow_points[2][0] DIM3 = True else: DIM3 = False ### Create a list of positions at which we need to extrapolate the ### ### velocity field ### x_ends = [-dx/2, self.flow_points[0][-1]+dx/2] y_ends = [-dy/2, self.flow_points[1][-1]+dy/2] bndry_list = [] if not DIM3: # edges bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[0]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[1]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0], y] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1], y] for y in self.flow_points[1]] # points bndry_list += [[x_ends[0],y_ends[0]],[x_ends[0],y_ends[1]], [x_ends[1],y_ends[0]],[x_ends[1],y_ends[1]]] else: z_ends = [-dz/2, self.flow_points[2][-1]+dz/2] # sides bndry_list += [[x,y,z_ends[0]] for x in self.flow_points[0] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x,y,z_ends[1]] for x in self.flow_points[0] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x,y_ends[0],z] for x in self.flow_points[0] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x,y_ends[1],z] for x in self.flow_points[0] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0],y,z] for y in self.flow_points[1] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1],y,z] for y in self.flow_points[1] for z in self.flow_points[2]] # edges bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[0], z_ends[0]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[0], z_ends[1]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[1], z_ends[0]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x, y_ends[1], z_ends[1]] for x in self.flow_points[0]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0], y, z_ends[0]] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0], y, z_ends[1]] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1], y, z_ends[0]] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1], y, z_ends[1]] for y in self.flow_points[1]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0], y_ends[0], z] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[0], y_ends[1], z] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1], y_ends[0], z] for z in self.flow_points[2]] bndry_list += [[x_ends[1], y_ends[1], z] for z in self.flow_points[2]] # points bndry_list += [[x_ends[0],y_ends[0],z_ends[0]], [x_ends[0],y_ends[0],z_ends[1]], [x_ends[0],y_ends[1],z_ends[0]], [x_ends[1],y_ends[0],z_ends[1]], [x_ends[0],y_ends[1],z_ends[1]], [x_ends[1],y_ends[0],z_ends[1]], [x_ends[1],y_ends[1],z_ends[0]], [x_ends[1],y_ends[1],z_ends[1]]] ### Include periodicity, if applicable, by extending out the fluid field ### flowshape = np.array(self.flow[0].shape) idx = [] if len(self.flow[0].shape) == len(self.L): # non time-varying flow startdim = 0 else: startdim = 1 for ii in range(2): if periodic_dim[ii]: flowshape[startdim+ii] += 2 idx.append([1,flowshape[startdim+ii]-1]) else: idx.append([0,flowshape[startdim+ii]]) if DIM3: if periodic_dim[2]: flowshape[startdim+2] += 2 idx.append([1,flowshape[startdim+2]-1]) else: idx.append([0,flowshape[startdim+2]]) if DIM3: flow = [np.zeros(flowshape) for ii in range(3)] flow_points = [] for ii in range(3): flow[ii][...,idx[0][0]:idx[0][1],idx[1][0]:idx[1][1],idx[2][0]:idx[2][1]] = self.flow[ii] if periodic_dim[0]: for ii in range(3): flow[ii][...,0,:,:] = flow[ii][...,-2,:,:] flow[ii][...,-1,:,:] = flow[ii][...,1,:,:] flow_points.append(np.insert(self.flow_points[0], # what [0,len(self.flow_points[0])], # loc [-dx,self.flow_points[0][-1]+dx])) # vals else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[0]) if periodic_dim[1]: for ii in range(3): flow[ii][...,0,:] = flow[ii][...,-2,:] flow[ii][...,-1,:] = flow[ii][...,1,:] flow_points.append(np.insert(self.flow_points[1], [0,len(self.flow_points[1])], [-dy,self.flow_points[1][-1]+dy])) else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[1]) if periodic_dim[2]: for ii in range(3): flow[ii][...,0] = flow[ii][...,-2] flow[ii][...,-1] = flow[ii][...,1] flow_points.append(np.insert(self.flow_points[2], [0,len(self.flow_points[2])], [-dz,self.flow_points[2][-1]+dz])) else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[2]) else: flow = [np.zeros(flowshape) for ii in range(2)] flow_points = [] for ii in range(2): flow[ii][...,idx[0][0]:idx[0][1],idx[1][0]:idx[1][1]] = self.flow[ii] if periodic_dim[0]: for ii in range(2): flow[ii][...,0,:] = flow[ii][...,-2,:] flow[ii][...,-1,:] = flow[ii][...,1,:] flow_points.append(np.insert(self.flow_points[0], # what [0,len(self.flow_points[0])], # loc [-dx,self.flow_points[0][-1]+dx])) # vals else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[0]) if periodic_dim[1]: for ii in range(2): flow[ii][...,0] = flow[ii][...,-2] flow[ii][...,-1] = flow[ii][...,1] flow_points.append(np.insert(self.flow_points[1], [0,len(self.flow_points[1])], [-dy,self.flow_points[1][-1]+dy])) else: flow_points.append(self.flow_points[1]) ### Interpolate the new points ### if startdim == 0: # non time-varying flow new_vecs = self.interpolate_flow(bndry_list, flow, flow_points) else: new_vecs = [] for t_idx in range(self.flow[0].shape[0]): this_flow = [flow[ii][t_idx,...] for ii in range(len(flow))] new_vecs.append(self.interpolate_flow(bndry_list, this_flow, flow_points)) ### Incorporate the new points into the fluid field and mesh ### if DIM3: intervals = [dx,dy,dz] else: intervals = [dx,dy] flow_points = [np.insert(self.flow_points[ii]+interval/2, [0,len(self.flow_points[ii])], [0,self.flow_points[ii][-1]+interval]) for ii,interval in enumerate(intervals)] flowshape = np.array(self.flow[0].shape) if startdim == 0: flowshape += 2 else: flowshape[1:] += 2 shp = [len(points) for points in self.flow_points] def bndry_add3d(fshape, shp, this_vecs): f = [np.zeros(fshape) for ii in range(3)] for dim in range(3): # sides f[dim][1:-1,1:-1,0] = np.reshape(this_vecs[:shp[0]*shp[1],dim],(shp[0],shp[1])) s = shp[0]*shp[1] f[dim][1:-1,1:-1,-1] = np.reshape(this_vecs[s:s+shp[0]*shp[1],dim],(shp[0],shp[1])) s += shp[0]*shp[1] f[dim][1:-1,0,1:-1] = np.reshape(this_vecs[s:s+shp[0]*shp[2],dim],(shp[0],shp[2])) s += shp[0]*shp[2] f[dim][1:-1,-1,1:-1] = np.reshape(this_vecs[s:s+shp[0]*shp[2],dim],(shp[0],shp[2])) s += shp[0]*shp[2] f[dim][0,1:-1,1:-1] = np.reshape(this_vecs[s:s+shp[1]*shp[2],dim],(shp[1],shp[2])) s += shp[1]*shp[2] f[dim][-1,1:-1,1:-1] = np.reshape(this_vecs[s:s+shp[1]*shp[2],dim],(shp[1],shp[2])) s += shp[1]*shp[2] # edges f[dim][1:-1,0,0] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][1:-1,0,-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][1:-1,-1,0] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][1:-1,-1,-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][0,1:-1,0] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] f[dim][0,1:-1,-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] f[dim][-1,1:-1,0] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] f[dim][-1,1:-1,-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] f[dim][0,0,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[2],dim]; s+=shp[2] f[dim][0,-1,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[2],dim]; s+=shp[2] f[dim][-1,0,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[2],dim]; s+=shp[2] f[dim][-1,-1,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[2],dim]; s+=shp[2] # points f[dim][0,0,0] = this_vecs[s,dim] f[dim][0,0,-1] = this_vecs[s+1,dim] f[dim][0,-1,0] = this_vecs[s+2,dim] f[dim][-1,0,0] = this_vecs[s+3,dim] f[dim][0,-1,-1] = this_vecs[s+4,dim] f[dim][-1,0,-1] = this_vecs[s+5,dim] f[dim][-1,-1,0] = this_vecs[s+6,dim] f[dim][-1,-1,-1] = this_vecs[s+7,dim] return f def bndry_add2d(fshape, shp, this_vecs): f = [np.zeros(fshape) for ii in range(2)] for dim in range(2): s=0 # edges f[dim][1:-1,0] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][1:-1,-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[0],dim]; s+=shp[0] f[dim][0,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] f[dim][-1,1:-1] = this_vecs[s:s+shp[1],dim]; s+=shp[1] # points f[dim][0,0] = this_vecs[s,dim] f[dim][0,-1] = this_vecs[s+1,dim] f[dim][-1,0] = this_vecs[s+2,dim] f[dim][-1,-1] = this_vecs[s+3,dim] return f if DIM3 and startdim == 0: # time invariant, 3D flow = bndry_add3d(flowshape, shp, new_vecs) elif DIM3 and startdim == 1: flow = [np.zeros(flowshape) for ii in range(3)] for n, this_vecs in enumerate(new_vecs): f = bndry_add3d(flowshape[1:], shp, this_vecs) flow[0][n,...]=f[0]; flow[1][n,...]=f[1]; flow[2][n,...]=f[2] elif not DIM3 and startdim == 0: flow = bndry_add2d(flowshape, shp, new_vecs) else: flow = [np.zeros(flowshape) for ii in range(2)] for n, this_vecs in enumerate(new_vecs): f = bndry_add2d(flowshape[1:], shp, this_vecs) flow[0][n,...]=f[0]; flow[1][n,...]=f[1] ### Add back the original fluid data ### for dim in range(len(flow)): if DIM3: flow[dim][...,1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = self.flow[dim] else: flow[dim][...,1:-1,1:-1] = self.flow[dim] ### Replace fluid and update domain ### self.flow_points = tuple(flow_points) self.flow = flow self.L = [self.flow_points[d][-1] for d in range(len(flow_points))] self.fluid_domain_LLC = tuple(np.array(self.fluid_domain_LLC)-np.array(intervals)*0.5) self.__reset_flow_variables()
[docs] def read_stl_mesh_data(self, filename, unit_conv=None): '''Reads in 3D mesh data from an ascii or binary stl file. Must have the numpy-stl library installed. It is assumed that the coordinate system of the stl mesh matches the coordinate system of the flow field. Thus, the mesh will be translated using the flow LLC if necessary. Avoid mesh structures that intersect with a periodic boundary; behavior related to this is not implemented. Parameters ---------- filename : string filename of data to read, incl. file extension unit_conv : float, optional scalar to multiply the mesh by in order to convert units ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(filename)) ibmesh, self.max_meshpt_dist = dataio.read_stl_mesh(filename, unit_conv) # shift coordinates to match any shift that happened in flow data if self.fluid_domain_LLC is not None: for ii in range(3): ibmesh[:,:,ii] -= self.fluid_domain_LLC[ii] self.ibmesh = ibmesh
[docs] def read_IB2d_vertex_data(self, filename, res_factor=0.501, res=None): '''Reads in 2D vertex data from a .vertex file (IB2d). Assumes that any vertices closer than res_factor (default is half + a bit for numerical stability) times the Eulerian mesh resolution are connected linearly. This method gets the Eulerian mesh resolution from the fluid velocity data, so the flow data must be imported first. Alternatively, you can pass in the Eulerian mesh resolution directly to the res parameter to get the mesh in absence of any fluid velocity field. Calculate it from the IB2d input file by taking the domain length and dividing by the number of Eulerian grid points: Lx/Nx and Ly/Ny. The smaller of the two numbers should be used. Avoid mesh structures that intersect with a periodic boundary; behavior related to this is not implemented. Parameters ---------- filename : string vertex file to load res_factor : float, default=0.501 this times the Eulerian mesh resolution is the radius that will be used. res : float, optional pass the Eulerian mesh resolution in directly, instead of calculating it from a loaded fluid velocity field ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(filename)) if res is None: assert self.flow_points is not None, "Must import flow data first!" dists = np.concatenate([self.flow_points[ii][2:-1]-self.flow_points[ii][1:-2] for ii in range(2)]) Eulerian_res = dists.min() else: Eulerian_res = res vertices = dataio.read_IB2d_vertices(filename) print("Processing vertex file for point-wise connections within {}.".format( res_factor*Eulerian_res)) dist_mat_test = distance.pdist(vertices)<=res_factor*Eulerian_res idx = np.array(list(combinations(range(vertices.shape[0]),2))) self.ibmesh = np.array([vertices[idx[dist_mat_test,0],:], vertices[idx[dist_mat_test,1],:]]) self.ibmesh = np.transpose(self.ibmesh,(1,0,2)) print("Done! Visually check structure with environment.plot_envir().") # shift coordinates to match any shift that happened in flow data if self.fluid_domain_LLC is not None: for ii in range(2): self.ibmesh[:,:,ii] -= self.fluid_domain_LLC[ii] self.max_meshpt_dist = np.linalg.norm(self.ibmesh[:,0,:]-self.ibmesh[:,1,:],axis=1).max()
[docs] def add_vertices_to_2D_ibmesh(self): '''Methods for auto-connecting mesh vertices into line segments may result in line segments that cross each other away from vertex points. This will cause undesirable behavior including mesh crossing. This method adds a vertex point at any such intersection to avoid such problems.''' if self.ibmesh is None: print("No ibmesh found!") return elif self.ibmesh.shape[1] > 2: print("This method does not work for 3D problems!") return new_ibmesh = [seg for seg in self.ibmesh] # we will be altering the mesh as we go, so loop until we have considered # all segments once. n = 0 print("Breaking up intersecting mesh segments...") # go until there are no longer at least two segments to consider while n+1 < len(new_ibmesh): seg = new_ibmesh[n] forward_meshes = np.array(new_ibmesh[n+1:]) # Find all mesh elements that have points within max_meshpt_dist*2 pt_bool = np.linalg.norm( forward_meshes.reshape((forward_meshes.shape[0]*forward_meshes.shape[1], forward_meshes.shape[2]))-seg[0,:], axis=1)<self.max_meshpt_dist*2 pt_bool = pt_bool.reshape((forward_meshes.shape[0],forward_meshes.shape[1])) close_mesh = forward_meshes[np.any(pt_bool,axis=1)] intersections = planktos.swarm._seg_intersect_2D(seg[0,:], seg[1,:], close_mesh[:,0,:], close_mesh[:,1,:], get_all=True) if intersections is None: # Nothing to do; increment counter and continue n += 1 continue else: # Use s_I to order the intersections and then go down the line, # breaking segments into new segments. intersections = sorted(intersections, key=lambda x: x[1]) new_seg_pieces = [] new_int_pieces = [] for intersection in intersections: if len(new_seg_pieces) == 0: # first one has P0 as an endpoint new_seg_pieces.append( np.array([seg[0,:],intersection[0]])) else: # each other has the second point of the previous segment # as an endpoint new_seg_pieces.append( np.array([new_seg_pieces[-1][1,:],intersection[0]])) # now break up the segment that intersected seg new_int_pieces.append( np.array([intersection[3],intersection[0]])) new_int_pieces.append( np.array([intersection[0],intersection[4]])) # and delete the original intersecting segment from the list for ii, elem in enumerate(new_ibmesh[n+1:]): if np.all(elem == np.array([intersection[3],intersection[4]]))\ or np.all(elem == np.array([intersection[4],intersection[3]])): new_ibmesh.pop(ii+n+1) break # add on the last segment which ends at the other endpoint new_seg_pieces.append( np.array([new_seg_pieces[-1][1,:],seg[1,:]])) # remove the mesh piece we just examined and replace with the # broken up ones new_ibmesh.pop(n) new_ibmesh[n:n] = new_seg_pieces # add the sliced up intersecting elements to the end new_ibmesh += new_int_pieces # increment counter by the number of seg pieces we added n += len(new_seg_pieces) # Done. # Replace ibmesh with new_ibmesh self.ibmesh = np.array(new_ibmesh)
[docs] def read_vertex_data_to_convex_hull(self, filename): '''Reads in 2D or 3D vertex data from a vtk file or a vertex file and applies ConvexHull triangulation to get a complete boundary. This uses Qhull through Scipy under the hood ''' path = Path(filename) if not path.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError("File {} not found!".format(filename)) if filename.strip()[-4:] == '.vtk': points, bounds = dataio.read_vtk_Unstructured_Grid_Points(filename) elif filename.strip()[-7:] == '.vertex': points = dataio.read_IB2d_vertices(filename) else: raise RuntimeError("File extension for {} not recognized.".format(filename)) # get dimension DIM = points.shape[1] # shift to first quadrant hull = ConvexHull(points) if self.fluid_domain_LLC is not None: for ii in range(DIM): points[:,ii] -= self.fluid_domain_LLC[ii] self.ibmesh = points[hull.simplices] max_len = np.concatenate(tuple( np.linalg.norm(self.ibmesh[:,ii,:]-self.ibmesh[:,(ii+1)%DIM,:], axis=1) for ii in range(DIM) )).max() self.max_meshpt_dist = max_len
[docs] def tile_flow(self, x=2, y=1): '''Tile fluid flow and immersed meshes a number of times in the x and/or y directions. While obviously this works best if the fluid is periodic in the direction(s) being tiled, this will not be enforced. Instead, it will just be assumed that the domain edges are equivalent, and only the right/upper domain edge will be used in tiling. Parameters ---------- x : int, default=2 number of tiles in the x direction (counting the one already there) y : int, default=1 number of tiles in the y direction (counting the one already there) ''' DIM3 = len(self.L) == 3 TIME_DEP = len(self.flow[0].shape) != len(self.L) if x is None: x = 1 if y is None: y = 1 if DIM3: tile_num = (x,y,1) else: tile_num = (x,y) if not TIME_DEP: # no time dependence flow_shape = self.flow[0].shape new_flow_shape = np.array(flow_shape) # get new dimensions for dim in range(len(flow_shape)): new_flow_shape[dim] += (flow_shape[dim]-1)*(tile_num[dim]-1) for n, flow in enumerate(self.flow): new_flow = np.zeros(new_flow_shape) # copy bottom-left corner new_flow[0,0,...] = flow[0,0,...] # tile first row/column if DIM3: r_tile_num = (x,1) c_tile_num = (y,1) else: r_tile_num = x c_tile_num = y new_flow[1:,0,...] = np.tile(flow[1:,0,...], r_tile_num) new_flow[0,1:,...] = np.tile(flow[0,1:,...], c_tile_num) # tile interior new_flow[1:,1:,...] = np.tile(flow[1:,1:,...], tile_num) self.flow[n] = new_flow else: # time dependent flow tile_num_time = [1]+list(tile_num) # prepend a 1; do not tile time flow_shape = self.flow[0].shape new_flow_shape = np.array(flow_shape) # get new dimensions for dim in range(1,len(flow_shape)): new_flow_shape[dim] += (flow_shape[dim]-1)*(tile_num_time[dim]-1) for n, flow in enumerate(self.flow): new_flow = np.zeros(new_flow_shape) # copy bottom-left corner new_flow[:,0,0,...] = flow[:,0,0,...] # tile first row/column if DIM3: r_tile_num = (1,x,1) c_tile_num = (1,y,1) else: r_tile_num = (1,x) c_tile_num = (1,y) new_flow[:,1:,0,...] = np.tile(flow[:,1:,0,...], r_tile_num) new_flow[:,0,1:,...] = np.tile(flow[:,0,1:,...], c_tile_num) # tile interior new_flow[:,1:,1:,...] = np.tile(flow[:,1:,1:,...], tile_num_time) self.flow[n] = new_flow # update environment dimensions and Eulerian meshes new_points = [] self.orig_L = tuple(self.L[:2]) for n in range(2): self.L[n] *= tile_num[n] new_points.append(np.concatenate([self.flow_points[n]]+ [x*self.flow_points[n][-1]+self.flow_points[n][1:] for x in range(1,tile_num[n])])) if DIM3: new_points.append(self.flow_points[2]) self.flow_points = tuple(new_points) self.tiling = (x,y) # tile Lagrangian meshes if self.ibmesh is not None: newmeshs = [self.ibmesh] for ii in range(self.tiling[0]): for jj in range(self.tiling[1]): new_mesh = np.array(self.ibmesh) new_mesh[:,:,0] += self.orig_L[0]*ii new_mesh[:,:,1] += self.orig_L[1]*jj newmeshs.append(new_mesh) self.ibmesh = np.concatenate(newmeshs) print("Fluid tiled. Planktos domain size is now {}.".format(self.L)) self.__reset_flow_deriv()
[docs] def extend(self, x_minus=0, x_plus=0, y_minus=0, y_plus=0): '''Duplicate the boundary of the fluid flow a number of times in the x (+ or -) and/or y (+ or -) directions, thus extending the domain with constant fluid velocity. Good for extending domains with resolved fluid flow before/after and on the sides of a structure. Parameters ---------- x_minus : int number of times to duplicate bndry in the x- direction x_plus : int number of times to duplicate bndry in the x+ direction y_minus : int number of times to duplicate bndry in the y- direction y_plus : int number of times to duplicate bndry in the y+ direction ''' DIM3 = len(self.L) == 3 TIME_DEP = len(self.flow[0].shape) != len(self.L) assert x_minus>=0 and x_plus>=0 and y_minus>=0 and y_plus>=0,\ "arguments must be nonnegative" res_x = np.max(self.flow_points[0][1:]-self.flow_points[0][:-1]) res_y = np.max(self.flow_points[1][1:]-self.flow_points[1][:-1]) if not TIME_DEP: for dim in range(len(self.L)): # first, extend in x direction if x_minus+x_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][0,...]]) for ii in range(x_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][-1,...]]) for jj in range(x_plus) ), axis=0) # next, extend in y direction. This requires a shuffling # (tranpose) of dimensions... if DIM3 and y_minus+y_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,0,:]]).transpose(1,0,2) for ii in range(y_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,-1,:]]).transpose(1,0,2) for jj in range(y_plus) ), axis=1) elif y_minus+y_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,0]]).T for ii in range(y_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,-1]]).T for jj in range(y_plus) ), axis=1) else: for dim in range(len(self.L)): if DIM3: # first, extend in x direction if x_minus+x_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,0,...]]).transpose(1,0,2,3) for ii in range(x_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,-1,...]]).transpose(1,0,2,3) for jj in range(x_plus) ), axis=1) # next, extend in y direction if y_minus+y_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,:,0,:]]).transpose(1,2,0,3) for ii in range(y_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,:,-1,:]]).transpose(1,2,0,3) for jj in range(y_plus) ), axis=2) else: # first, extend in x direction if x_minus+x_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,0,:]]).transpose(1,0,2) for ii in range(x_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,-1,:]]).transpose(1,0,2) for jj in range(x_plus) ), axis=1) # next, extend in y direction if y_minus+y_plus > 0: self.flow[dim] = np.concatenate(tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,:,0]]).tranpsose(1,2,0) for ii in range(y_minus) ) + (self.flow[dim][:],) + tuple( np.array([self.flow[dim][:,:,-1]]).transpose(1,2,0) for jj in range(y_plus) ), axis=2) # update environment dimensions and meshes new_points = [] self.orig_L = tuple(self.L[:2]) self.L[0] += res_x*(x_minus+x_plus) self.L[1] += res_y*(y_minus+y_plus) if x_minus+x_plus > 0: new_points.append(np.concatenate( [self.flow_points[0][0]-res_x*np.arange(x_minus,0,-1)]+ [self.flow_points[0]]+ [self.flow_points[0][-1]+res_x*np.arange(1,x_plus+1)])) else: new_points.append(self.flow_points[0]) if y_minus+y_plus > 0: new_points.append(np.concatenate( [self.flow_points[1][0]-res_y*np.arange(y_minus,0,-1)]+ [self.flow_points[1]]+ [self.flow_points[1][-1]+res_y*np.arange(1,y_plus+1)])) else: new_points.append(self.flow_points[1]) if DIM3: new_points.append(self.flow_points[2]) # shift domain to quadrant 1 self.flow_points = (new_points[0]-new_points[0][0], new_points[1]-new_points[1][0], new_points[2]-new_points[2][0]) # update environment dimensions self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(3)] else: # 2D shifting and environment updating self.flow_points = (new_points[0]-new_points[0][0], new_points[1]-new_points[1][0]) self.L = [self.flow_points[dim][-1] for dim in range(2)] self.__reset_flow_deriv()
[docs] def add_swarm(self, swarm_size=100, **kwargs): ''' Adds a swarm into this environment. Parameters ---------- swarm_size : swarm object or int (size of swarm), default=100 If a swarm object is given, all following parameters will be ignored (since the object is already initialized) init : string Method for initializing positions. See swarm class for options. seed : int Seed for random number generator kwargs keyword arguments to be set as swarm properties (see swarm class for details) ''' if isinstance(swarm_size, planktos.swarm): swarm_size._change_envir(self) else: return planktos.swarm(swarm_size, self, **kwargs)
[docs] def move_swarms(self, dt=1.0, params=None, ib_collisions='sliding', silent=False): '''Move all swarms in the environment. Parameters ---------- dt : float length of time step to move all agents params : any, optional parameters to pass along to get_positions, if necessary ib_collisions : {None, 'sliding' (default), 'sticky'} Type of interaction with immersed boundaries. If None, turn off all interaction with immersed boundaries. In sliding collisions, conduct recursive vector projection until the length of the original vector is exhausted. In sticky collisions, just return the point of intersection. silent : bool, default=False If True, suppress printing the updated time. ''' for s in self.swarms: s.move(dt, params, ib_collisions, update_time=False) # update time self.time_history.append(self.time) self.time += dt if not silent: print('time = {}'.format(np.round(self.time,11)))
[docs] def set_boundary_conditions(self, x_bndry, y_bndry, z_bndry=None): '''Check and set boundary conditions. Set Z-dimension only if zdim is not None. Each boundary condition must be either a list or an iterable of length 2. ''' supprted_conds = ['zero', 'noflux', 'periodic'] default_conds_x = ('zero', 'zero') default_conds_y = ('zero', 'zero') default_conds_z = ('noflux', 'noflux') self.bndry = [] if x_bndry is None: # default boundary conditions self.bndry.append(default_conds_x) elif isinstance(x_bndry, str): if x_bndry not in supprted_conds: self.bndry = [default_conds_x, default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise NameError("X boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(x_bndry)) self.bndry.append([x_bndry, x_bndry]) else: try: iter(x_bndry) except TypeError: print("x_bndry must be either an iterable or a string.") self.bndry = [default_conds_x, default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise else: if x_bndry[0] not in supprted_conds or x_bndry[1] not in supprted_conds: self.bndry = [default_conds_x, default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise NameError("x boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(x_bndry)) else: self.bndry.append(x_bndry) if y_bndry is None: # default boundary conditions self.bndry.append(default_conds_y) elif isinstance(y_bndry, str): if y_bndry not in supprted_conds: self.bndry += [default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise NameError("Y boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(y_bndry)) self.bndry.append([y_bndry, y_bndry]) else: try: iter(y_bndry) except TypeError: print("y_bndry must be either an iterable or a string.") self.bndry += [default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise else: if y_bndry[0] not in supprted_conds or y_bndry[1] not in supprted_conds: self.bndry += [default_conds_y, default_conds_z] raise NameError("y boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(y_bndry)) else: self.bndry.append(y_bndry) if z_bndry is None: # default boundary conditions self.bndry.append(default_conds_z) elif isinstance(z_bndry, str): if z_bndry not in supprted_conds: self.bndry.append(default_conds_z) raise NameError("Z boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(z_bndry)) self.bndry.append([z_bndry, z_bndry]) else: try: iter(z_bndry) except TypeError: self.bndry.append(default_conds_z) print("z_bndry must be either an iterable or a string.") raise else: if z_bndry[0] not in supprted_conds or z_bndry[1] not in supprted_conds: self.bndry.append(default_conds_z) raise NameError("z boundary condition {} not implemented.".format(z_bndry)) else: self.bndry.append(z_bndry)
[docs] def interpolate_temporal_flow(self, t_indx=None, time=None): '''Interpolate flow in time using a cubic spline. Defaults to interpolating at the current time, given by self.time. Parameters ---------- t_indx : int Interpolate at a time referred to by self.envir.time_history[t_indx] time : float Interpolate at a specific time Returns ------- interpolated flow field as a list of ndarrays ''' # If fCubicSplines do not exist, create them. if self.flow is None: raise RuntimeError("Cannot temporally interpolate None flow.") if not all([type(f) == fCubicSpline for f in self.flow]): self._create_temporal_interpolations() if t_indx is None and time is None: time = self.time elif t_indx is not None: time = self.time_history[t_indx] # Enforce constant extrapolation if time <= self.flow_times[0]: return [f[0, ...] for f in self.flow] elif time >= self.flow_times[-1]: return [f[-1, ...] for f in self.flow] else: # interpolate return [f(time) for f in self.flow]
def _create_temporal_interpolations(self): '''Create PPoly fCubicSplines to interpolate the fluid velocity in time.''' for n, flow in enumerate(self.flow): # Defaults to axis=0 along which data is varying, which is t axis # Defaults to not-a-knot boundary condition, resulting in first # and second segments at curve ends being the same polynomial # Defaults to extrapolating out-of-bounds points based on first # and last intervals. This will be overriden by this method # to use constant extrapolation instead. if type(flow) != fCubicSpline: self.flow[n] = fCubicSpline(self.flow_times, flow) def _create_dt_interpolations(self): '''Create PPoly objects for dudt.''' self.dt_interp = [] if not all([type(f) == fCubicSpline for f in self.flow]): self._create_temporal_interpolations() for ppoly in self.flow: self.dt_interp.append(ppoly.derivative())
[docs] def interpolate_flow(self, positions, flow=None, flow_points=None, time=None, method='linear'): '''Spatially interpolate the fluid velocity field (or another flow field) at the supplied positions. If flow is None and self.flow is time-varying, the flow field will be interpolated in time first, using the current environmental time, or a different time if provided. Parameters ---------- positions : array NxD locations at which to interpolate the flow field, where D is the dimension of the system. flow : list-like of arrays, optional The fluid velocity data, with each array representing one spatial component of the velocity vector. The first dimension of each array is time if the fluid velocity field is time varying. If None, the environmental flow field is used. Interpolated in time if necessary. flow_points : list-like of 1-D arrays, optional The set of coordinates along each dimension that defines the mesh grid for the fluid velocity field. If None, the environmental flow points is used. time : float, optional if None, the present time. Otherwise, the flow field will be interpolated to the time given based on the environment flow_times. This is only supported for environmental flow fields (not ones passed in as an argument). method : string, default='linear' spatial interpolation method to be passed to scipy.interpolate.interpn. Anything but splinef2d is supported. ''' if flow is None: if len(self.flow[0].shape) == len(self.L): # non time-varying flow flow = self.flow else: flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(time=time) if flow_points is None: flow_points = self.flow_points if method == 'splinef2d': raise RuntimeError('Extrapolation is not supported in splinef2d.'+ ' This is needed for RK4 solvers, and so is not'+ ' a supported method in interpolate_flow.') x_vel = interpolate.interpn(flow_points, flow[0], positions, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) y_vel = interpolate.interpn(flow_points, flow[1], positions, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) if len(flow) == 3: z_vel = interpolate.interpn(flow_points, flow[2], positions, method=method, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None) return np.array([x_vel, y_vel, z_vel]).T else: return np.array([x_vel, y_vel]).T
[docs] def get_mean_fluid_speed(self): '''Return the mean fluid speed at the current time, temporally interpolating the flow field if necessary.''' DIM3 = (len(self.L) == 3) if (not DIM3 and len(self.flow[0].shape) == 2) or \ (DIM3 and len(self.flow[0].shape) == 3): # temporally constant flow flow_now = self.flow else: # temporal flow. interpolate in time, and then in space. flow_now = self.interpolate_temporal_flow() if DIM3: fluid_speed = np.sqrt(flow_now[0]**2+flow_now[1]**2+flow_now[2]**2) else: fluid_speed = np.sqrt(flow_now[0]**2+flow_now[1]**2) return np.mean(fluid_speed)
[docs] def calculate_mag_gradient(self): '''Calculate and store the gradient of the magnitude of the fluid velocity at the current time, along with the time at which it was calculated. Gradient is calculated via second order accurate central differences (using numpy) with second order accuracy at the boundaries and saved in case it is needed again.''' TIME_DEP = len(self.flow[0].shape) != len(self.L) if not TIME_DEP: flow_grad = np.gradient(np.sqrt( np.sum(np.array(self.flow)**2, axis=0) ), *self.flow_points, edge_order=2) else: # first, interpolate flow in time. Then calculate gradient. flow_grad = np.gradient( np.sqrt(np.sum( np.array(self.interpolate_temporal_flow())**2, axis=0)), *self.flow_points, edge_order=2) # save the newly calculuate gradient self.mag_grad = flow_grad self.mag_grad_time = self.time
[docs] def calculate_FTLE(self, grid_dim=None, testdir=None, t0=0, T=0.1, dt=0.001, ode_gen=None, props=None, t_bound=None, swrm=None, params=None): '''Calculate the FTLE field at the given time(s) t0 with integration length T on a discrete grid with given dimensions. The calculation will be conducted with respect to the fluid velocity field loaded in this environment and either tracer particle movement (default), an ode specifying deterministic equations of motion, or other arbitrary particle movement as specified by a swarm object's get_positions method and updated in discrete time intervals of length dt. All FTLE calculations will be done using a swarm object. This means that: 1) The boundary conditions specified by this environment will be respected. 2) Immersed boundaries (if any are loaded into this environment) will be treated as impassible to all particles and movement vectors crossing these boundaries will be projected onto them. If passing in a set of ode or finding the FTLE field for tracer particles, an RK45 solver will be used. Otherwise, integration will be via the swarm object's get_positions method. If both ode and swarm arguments are None, the default is to calculate the FTLE based on massless tracer particles. Parameters ---------- grid_dim : tuple of int size of the grid in each dimension (x, y, [z]). Defaults to the fluid grid. testdir : str grid points can heuristically be removed from the interior of immersed structures. To accomplish this, a line will be drawn from each point to a domain boundary. If the number of intersections is odd, the point is considered interior and masked. See grid_init for details - this argument sets the direction that the line will be drawn in (e.g. 'x1' for positive x-direction, 'y0' for negative y-direction). If None, do not perform this check and use all gridpoints. t0 : float, optional start time for calculating FTLE. If None, default behavior is to set t0=0. TODO: Interable to calculate at many times. Default then becomes t0=0 for time invariant flows and calculate FTLE at all times the flow field was specified at (self.flow_times) for time varying flows? T : float, default=0.1 integration time. Default is 1, but longer is better (up to a point). dt : float, default=0.001 if solving ode or tracer particles, this is the time step for checking boundary conditions. If passing in a swarm object, this argument represents the length of the Euler time steps. ode_gen : function handle, optional functional handle for an ode generator that takes in a swarm object and returns an ode function handle with call signature ODEs(t,x), where t is the current time (float) and x is a 2*NxD array with the first N rows giving v=dxdt and the second N rows giving dvdt. D is the spatial dimension of the problem. See the ODE generator functions in for examples of format. The ODEs will be solved using RK45 with a newly created swarm specified on a grid throughout the domain. props : dict, optional dictionary of properties for the swarm that will be created to solve the odes. Effectively, this passes parameter values into the ode generator. If unspecified, will default to the values for the first agent in the props of the swarm provided. t_bound : float, optional if solving ode or tracer particles, this is the bound on the RK45 integration step size. Defaults to dt/100. swrm : swarm object, optional swarm object with user-defined movement rules as specified by the get_positions method. This allows for arbitrary FTLE calculations through subclassing and overriding this method. Steps of length dt will be taken until the integration length T is reached. The swarm object itself will not be altered; a shallow copy will be created for the purpose of calculating the FTLE on a grid. params : dict, optional params to be passed to supplied swarm object's get_positions method. Returns ------- swarm object used to calculuate the FTLE list list of dt integration steps ndarray array the same size as the point grid giving the last time in the integration before each point exited the domain ''' ########################################################### ###### Setup swarm object ###### ########################################################### if grid_dim is None: grid_dim = tuple(len(pts) for pts in self.flow_points) if len(grid_dim) == 3: print("Warning: FTLE has not been well tested for 3D cases!") if swrm is None: s = planktos.swarm(envir=self, shared_props=props, init='grid', grid_dim=grid_dim, testdir=testdir) # NOTE: swarm has been appended to this environment! else: # Get a shallow copy of the swarm passed in s = copy.copy(swrm) # Add swarm to environment and re-initialize swarm positions self.add_swarm(s) s.positions = s.grid_init(*grid_dim, testdir=testdir) s.pos_history = [] if self.flow is not None: s.velocities = ma.array(s.get_fluid_drift(), mask=s.positions.mask.copy()) else: s.velocities = ma.array(np.zeros((s.positions.shape[0], len(self.L))), mask=s.positions.mask.copy()) s.accelerations = ma.array(np.zeros((s.positions.shape[0], len(self.L))), mask=s.positions.mask.copy()) # Re-initialize props based off of the first agent new_props = pd.DataFrame() for prop in s.props: new_props[prop] = [s.props[prop][0] for ii in range(s.positions.shape[0])] s.props = new_props # Re-initialize ib_collision s.ib_collision = np.full(s.positions.shape[0], False) # get an array to record the corresponding last time for these positions last_time = ma.masked_array(np.ones(s.positions.shape[0])*t0, mask=s.positions[:,0].mask.copy()) last_time.harden_mask() ########################################################### ###### Solve for positions ###### ########################################################### ###### OPTION A: Solve ODEs if no swarm object was passed in ###### prnt_str = "Solving for positions from time {} to time {}:".format(t0,T) # NOTE: the scipy.integrate solvers convert masked arrays into ndarrays, # removing the mask entirely. We want to integrate only over the non-masked # components for efficiency. if swrm is None: ### SETUP SOLVER ### if ode_gen is None: ode_fun = motion.tracer_particles(s, incl_dvdt=False) print("Finding {}D FTLE based on tracer particles.".format(len(grid_dim))) else: ode_fun = ode_gen(s) print("Finding {}D FTLE based on supplied ODE generator.".format(len(grid_dim))) print(prnt_str) # keep a list of all times solved for # (time history normally stored in environment class) current_time = t0 time_list = [] ### SOLVE ### while current_time < T: new_time = min(current_time + dt,T) ### TODO: REDO THIS SOLVER!!!!!!!! if ode_gen is None: if not ma.is_masked(s.positions): y = s.positions else: y = s.positions[~s.positions[:,0].mask,:] else: if not ma.is_masked(s.positions): y = np.concatenate((s.positions, s.velocities)) else: y = np.concatenate((s.positions[~s.positions[:,0].mask,:], s.velocities[~s.velocities[:,0].mask,:])) try: # solve y_new = motion.RK45(ode_fun, current_time, y, new_time, h_start=t_bound) except Exception as err: print('RK45 solver returned an error at time {} with step_size {}.'.format( current_time, dt)) raise # Put current position in the history (maybe only do this if something exits??) s.pos_history.append(s.positions.copy()) # pull solution into swarm object's position/velocity attributes if ode_gen is None: s.positions[~ma.getmaskarray(s.positions[:,0]),:] = y_new else: N = round(y_new.shape[0]/2) s.positions[~ma.getmaskarray(s.positions[:,0]),:] = y_new[:N,:] s.velocities[~s.velocities[:,0].mask,:] = y_new[N:,:] # apply boundary conditions old_mask = s.positions.mask.copy() s.apply_boundary_conditions() # copy time to non-masked locations last_time[~ma.getmaskarray(s.positions[:,0])] = new_time # check if there were any boundary exits. # if so, save this state. Also, always keep the first state # with the grid information. if np.any(old_mask != s.positions.mask) or current_time == t0: # if anybody left, record the previous time in the history # as the last moment before disappearance. time_list.append(current_time) else: # if nobody left the domain, get rid of the state from the # position history to save space s.pos_history.pop() # if all agents have left the domain, quit early if np.all(s.positions.mask): print('FTLE solver quit early at time {} after all agents left the domain.'.format(current_time)) break # pass forward new variables current_time = new_time if current_time == T: time_list.append(current_time) print('t={}'.format(current_time)) # DONE SOLVING ###### OPTION B: Run get_positions on supplied swarm object ###### else: print("Finding {}D FTLE based on supplied swarm object.".format(len(grid_dim))) print(prnt_str) # save this environment's time history envir_time = self.time envir_time_history = list(self.time_history) # now track this swarm's time self.time = t0 self.time_history = [] while self.time < T: # Put current position in the history s.pos_history.append(s.positions.copy()) # Update positions s.positions[:,:] = s.get_positions(dt, params) # Update velocity and acceleration velocity = (s.positions - s.pos_history[-1])/dt s.accelerations[:,:] = (velocity - s.velocities)/dt s.velocities[:,:] = velocity # Apply boundary conditions. s.apply_boundary_conditions() # Update time self.time_history.append(self.time) self.time += dt # copy time to non-masked locations last_time[~ma.getmaskarray(s.positions[:,0])] = self.time print('t={}'.format(self.time)) # if all agents have left the domain, quit early if np.all(s.positions.mask): print('FTLE solver quit early at time {} after all agents left the domain.'.format(self.time)) break # DONE SOLVING # record and reset environment time time_list = list(self.time_history) time_list.append(self.time) self.time = envir_time self.time_history = envir_time_history ########################################################### ###### Calculate FTLE at each point ###### ########################################################### # a list of times solved for is given by time_list # all positions are recorded in s.pos_history with s.positions for last time # last times before leaving the domain given by last_time print('Calculating FTLE field...') ### COLLECT FACTS ABOUT GRID GEOMETRY ### dx = self.L[0]/(grid_dim[0]-1) dy = self.L[1]/(grid_dim[1]-1) if len(self.L) > 2: dz = self.L[2]/(grid_dim[2]-1) DIM = 3 else: DIM = 2 ### MASK ALL POINTS THAT EXITED IMMEDIATELY ### last_time[last_time==t0] = ma.masked # reshape for sanity's sake. last_time = np.reshape(last_time,grid_dim) ### INITIALIZE SOLUTION STRUCTURES ### FTLE_largest = ma.masked_array(np.zeros_like(last_time), mask=last_time.mask.copy()) FTLE_largest.harden_mask() FTLE_largest.set_fill_value(0) FTLE_smallest = ma.masked_array(np.zeros_like(last_time), mask=last_time.mask.copy()) FTLE_smallest.harden_mask() FTLE_smallest.set_fill_value(0) ### LOOP OVER ALL GRID POINTS ### grid_loc_iter = np.ndindex(last_time.shape) for grid_loc in grid_loc_iter: ### DEBUG ### # flat_loc = np.ravel_multi_index((grid_loc[0],grid_loc[1]),grid_dim) # start_pos = s.pos_history[0][flat_loc,:] # if 0.96 < start_pos[0] < 0.98 and 0.15 < start_pos[1] < 0.18: # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # if the central point is masked, skip this calculation. # (inside a structure or non-repairable edge point) if last_time.mask[grid_loc]: continue ### LAYOUT STENCIL ### if DIM == 2: diff_list = np.array([[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]], dtype=int) else: diff_list = np.array([[-1,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,-1],[0,0,1]], dtype=int) # first, deal with edge of domain cases for dim, loc in enumerate(grid_loc): if loc == 0: diff_list[dim*2,:] *= 0 elif loc == grid_dim[dim]-1: diff_list[dim*2+1,:] *= 0 # check for masked neighbors neigh_list = np.array(grid_loc, dtype=int) + diff_list cont = False # if non-repairable, make true and continue to next pt for n in range(0,diff_list.shape[0],2): mask_list = last_time.mask[tuple(neigh_list[n:n+2].T)] # if both points are masked, mask this point and skip if np.all(mask_list): FTLE_largest[grid_loc] = ma.masked FTLE_smallest[grid_loc] = ma.masked cont = True break # if only one point is masked, switch difference calculation # unless the central point is already being used, in which case skip if np.any(mask_list): if np.any(diff_list[n:n+2].sum(axis=1) == 0): FTLE_largest[grid_loc] = ma.masked FTLE_smallest[grid_loc] = ma.masked cont = True break else: diff_list[n:n+2][mask_list] *= 0 if cont: continue # reform neigh_list neigh_list = np.array(grid_loc, dtype=int) + diff_list ### GET TIME AND POSITION INFO ### # find the time before the first neighbor (or current loc) exited t_calc = last_time[tuple(neigh_list.T)].min() t_idx = time_list.index(t_calc) # get relevant position list if t_idx < len(s.pos_history): pos = s.pos_history[t_idx] else: pos = s.positions # get stencil spacing and flattened indices x_mult = abs((neigh_list[1,:]-neigh_list[0,:]).sum()) y_mult = abs((neigh_list[3,:]-neigh_list[2,:]).sum()) if DIM==2: flat_neigh = np.ravel_multi_index((neigh_list[:,0],neigh_list[:,1]),grid_dim) else: flat_neigh = np.ravel_multi_index((neigh_list[:,0],neigh_list[:,1],neigh_list[:,2]),grid_dim) z_mult = abs((neigh_list[5,:]-neigh_list[4,:]).sum()) ### CENTRAL DIFFERENCE GRADIENT ### dXdx = (pos[flat_neigh[1],0]-pos[flat_neigh[0],0])/(x_mult*dx) dXdy = (pos[flat_neigh[3],0]-pos[flat_neigh[2],0])/(y_mult*dy) dYdx = (pos[flat_neigh[1],1]-pos[flat_neigh[0],1])/(x_mult*dx) dYdy = (pos[flat_neigh[3],1]-pos[flat_neigh[2],1])/(y_mult*dy) if DIM == 3: # calculate 3D central difference gradient dXdz = (pos[flat_neigh[5],0]-pos[flat_neigh[4],0])/(z_mult*dz) dYdz = (pos[flat_neigh[5],1]-pos[flat_neigh[4],1])/(z_mult*dz) dZdx = (pos[flat_neigh[1],2]-pos[flat_neigh[0],2])/(x_mult*dx) dZdy = (pos[flat_neigh[3],2]-pos[flat_neigh[2],2])/(y_mult*dy) dZdz = (pos[flat_neigh[5],2]-pos[flat_neigh[4],2])/(z_mult*dz) phi = np.array([[dXdx, dXdy, dXdz], [dYdx, dYdy, dYdz], [dZdx, dZdy, dZdz]]) else: # form up 2D central difference gradient phi = np.array([[dXdx, dXdy], [dYdx, dYdy]]) ### CALCULATE FTLE ### w,_ = np.linalg.eigh(phi.T@phi) if w[-1] <= 0: FTLE_largest[grid_loc] = ma.masked else: FTLE_largest[grid_loc] = log(sqrt(w[-1]))/T if w[0] <= 0: FTLE_smallest[grid_loc] = ma.masked else: FTLE_smallest[grid_loc] = log(sqrt(w[0]))/T ###### Save and cleanup ###### self.FTLE_largest = FTLE_largest self.FTLE_smallest = FTLE_smallest self.FTLE_loc = s.pos_history[0] self.FTLE_t0 = t0 self.FTLE_T = T self.FTLE_grid_dim = grid_dim ###### Print stats ###### print("Out of {} total points, {} exited the domain during integration.".format( last_time.size, np.sum(last_time<T))) return self.swarms.pop(), time_list, last_time
[docs] def get_2D_vorticity(self, t_indx=None, time=None, t_n=None): '''Calculuate the vorticity of the fluid velocity field at a given time. If all time arguments are None but the flow is time-varying, the vorticity at the current time will be returned. If more than one time argument is specified, only the first will be used. Parameters ---------- t_indx : int integer time index into self.envir.time_history[t_indx] time : float time t_n : int integer time index into self.flow_times[t_n] Returns ------- vorticity as an ndarray ''' assert len(self.L) == 2, "Fluid velocity field must be 2D!" if (t_indx is not None or time is not None or t_n is not None) and self.flow_times is None: warnings.warn("Warning: flow is time invarient but time arg passed into get_2D_vorticity.", RuntimeWarning) if len(self.flow[0].shape) > len(self.L): grid_dim = self.flow[0].shape[1:] grid_loc_iter = np.ndindex(grid_dim) TIMEVAR = True else: grid_dim = self.flow[0].shape grid_loc_iter = np.ndindex(grid_dim) TIMEVAR = False if TIMEVAR: if t_indx is not None or time is not None: flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(t_indx=t_indx, time=time) v_x = flow[0] v_y = flow[1] elif t_n is not None: v_x = self.flow[0][t_n] v_y = self.flow[1][t_n] else: flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow() v_x = flow[0] v_y = flow[1] else: v_x = self.flow[0] v_y = self.flow[1] vort = np.zeros_like(v_x) ### LOOP OVER ALL GRID POINTS ### for grid_loc in grid_loc_iter: diff_list = np.array([[-1,0],[1,0],[0,-1],[0,1]], dtype=int) # first, deal with edge of domain cases for dim, loc in enumerate(grid_loc): if loc == 0: diff_list[dim*2,:] *= 0 elif loc == grid_dim[dim]-1: diff_list[dim*2+1,:] *= 0 neigh_list = np.array(grid_loc, dtype=int) + diff_list # get stencil spacing dx1 = self.flow_points[0][grid_loc[0]] - self.flow_points[0][neigh_list[0,0]] dx2 = self.flow_points[0][neigh_list[1,0]] - self.flow_points[0][grid_loc[0]] dy1 = self.flow_points[1][grid_loc[1]] - self.flow_points[1][neigh_list[2,1]] dy2 = self.flow_points[1][neigh_list[3,1]] - self.flow_points[1][grid_loc[1]] # central differencing dvydx = (v_y[tuple(neigh_list[1,:])]-v_y[tuple(neigh_list[0,:])])/(dx1+dx2) dvxdy = (v_x[tuple(neigh_list[3,:])]-v_x[tuple(neigh_list[2,:])])/(dy1+dy2) # vorticity vort[grid_loc] = dvydx - dvxdy return vort
[docs] def save_2D_vorticity(self, path, name, time_history=True, flow_times=False): '''Save the vorticity of a 2D fluid velocity field as one or more vtk files (one for each time point). Parameters ---------- path : string location to save file(s) name : string prefix name for file(s) time_history : bool if True, save vorticity data for each time step in the simulation history. Only for time-varying fluid. flow_times : bool if True, save vorticity data for each time at which the fluid velocity data is explicitly specified. ''' if time_history: for cyc, time in enumerate(self.time_history): vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(t_indx=cyc) dataio.write_vtk_2D_rectilinear_grid_scalars(path, name, vort, self.L, cyc, time) cycle = len(self.time_history) else: cycle = None if flow_times: if time_history: out_name = 'omega' else: out_name = name for cyc, time in enumerate(self.flow_times): vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(t_n=cyc) dataio.write_vtk_2D_rectilinear_grid_scalars(path, out_name, vort, self.L, cyc, time) if time_history or not flow_times: vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(time=self.time) dataio.write_vtk_2D_rectilinear_grid_scalars(path, name, vort, self.L, cycle, self.time)
[docs] def save_fluid(self, path, name, time_history=True, flow_times=False): '''Save the fluid velocity field as one or more vtk files (one for each time point). Parameters ---------- path : str directory in which to store the files. if it does not exist, it will be created name : str prefix to put on filenames time_history : bool if True, save for each time step in the simulation history, interpolating as needed. Only for time-varying fluid. flow_times : bool if True, save at each time for which the fluid velocity data is explicitly specified. ''' if time_history: for cyc, time in enumerate(self.time_history): flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(t_indx=cyc) dataio.write_vtk_rectilinear_grid_vectors(path, name, flow, self.L, cyc, time) cycle = len(self.time_history) else: cycle = None if flow_times: if time_history: out_name = 'U' else: out_name = name for cyc, time in enumerate(self.flow_times): flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(time=time) dataio.write_vtk_rectilinear_grid_vectors(path, out_name, flow, self.L, cyc, time) if time_history or not flow_times: flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(time=self.time) dataio.write_vtk_rectilinear_grid_vectors(path, name, flow, self.L, cycle, self.time)
@property def Re(self): '''Return the Reynolds number at the current time. Must have set self.U, self.char_L and Reynolds number is U*char_L/nu.''' return self.U*self.char_L/
[docs] def dudt(self, t_indx=None, time=None): '''Return the derivative of the fluid velocity with respect to time. Defaults to interpolating at the current time, given by self.time. Parameters ---------- t_indx : int, optional Interpolate at a time referred to by self.envir.time_history[t_indx] time : float, optional Interpolate at a specific time. default is current time. Returns ------- List of ndarrays ''' DIM3 = (len(self.L) == 3) if t_indx is None and time is None: time = self.time elif t_indx is not None: time = self.time_history[t_indx] if (not DIM3 and len(self.flow[0].shape) == 2) or \ (DIM3 and len(self.flow[0].shape) == 3): # temporally constant flow return [np.zeros_like(f) for f in self.flow] else: # temporal flow. # If PPoly derivatives do not exist, create them. if self.dt_interp is None: self._create_dt_interpolations() return [dfdt(time) for dfdt in self.dt_interp]
[docs] def calculate_DuDt(self, t_indx=None, time=None): '''Calculate and store material derivative of the fluid velocity with respect to time. Defaults to interpolating at the current time, given by self.time. Gradient is calculated via second order accurate central differences (using numpy) with second order accuracy at the boundaries. The material derivative is saved in case it is needed again. The material derivative is given by .. math:: \\frac{D\\mathbf{u}}{Dt} = \\mathbf{u}_t + (\\nabla\\mathbf{u})\\mathbf{u} Parameters ---------- t_indx : int, optional Interpolate at a time referred to by self.envir.time_history[t_indx] time : float, optional Interpolate at a specific time. default is current time. ''' DIM3 = (len(self.L) == 3) TIME_DEP = len(self.flow[0].shape) != len(self.L) if DIM3: axis_tuple = (1,2,3) else: axis_tuple = (1,2) if not TIME_DEP: flow = self.flow else: # first, interpolate flow in time. flow = self.interpolate_temporal_flow(t_indx=t_indx, time=time) flow_grad = np.gradient(np.array(flow), *self.flow_points, edge_order=2, axis=axis_tuple) # Take dot product DuDt = [] for g,f in zip(flow_grad,flow): DuDt.append(g*f) DuDt = np.sum(DuDt, axis=0) # Add dudt DuDt += np.array(self.dudt(t_indx, time)) self.DuDt = [u for u in DuDt] if t_indx is None and time is None: self.DuDt_time = self.time elif t_indx is not None: self.DuDt_time = self.time_history[t_indx] else: self.DuDt_time = time
[docs] def reset(self, rm_swarms=False): '''Resets environment to time=0. Swarm history will be lost, and all swarms will maintain their last position and velocities. If rm_swarms=True, remove all swarms.''' self.time = 0.0 self.time_history = [] if rm_swarms: self.swarms = [] else: for sw in self.swarms: sw.pos_history = []
[docs] def regenerate_flow_data(self): '''Regenerates the original fluid velocity data from temporal spline objects. ''' for n, flow in enumerate(self.flow): self.flow[n] = flow.regenerate_data()
def __reset_flow_variables(self, incl_rho_mu_U=False): '''To be used when the fluid flow changes. Resets all the helper parameters and reports new domain.''' self.h_p = None self.tiling = None self.orig_L = None self.plot_structs = [] self.plot_structs_args = [] self.__reset_flow_deriv() if incl_rho_mu_U: = None self.rho = None self.U = None print("Fluid updated. Planktos domain size is now {}.".format(self.L)) def __reset_flow_deriv(self): '''Reset properties that are derived from the flow velocity.''' self.mag_grad = None self.mag_grad_time = None self.dt_interp = None self.DuDt = None self.DuDt_time = None def _plot_setup(self, fig, nohist=False): ''' Setup figures for plotting ''' ########## 2D plot ########## if len(self.L) == 2: if nohist: ax = plt.axes(xlim=(0, self.L[0]), ylim=(0, self.L[1])) else: # chop up the axes to include histograms left, width = 0.1, 0.65 bottom, height = 0.1, 0.65 bottom_h = left_h = left + width + 0.02 rect_scatter = [left, bottom, width, height] rect_histx = [left, bottom_h, width, 0.2] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom, 0.2, height] ax = plt.axes(rect_scatter, xlim=(0, self.L[0]), ylim=(0, self.L[1])) axHistx = plt.axes(rect_histx) axHisty = plt.axes(rect_histy) # no labels on histogram next to scatter plot nullfmt = NullFormatter() axHistx.xaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_formatter(nullfmt) # set histogram limits/ticks axHistx.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) axHistx.set_ylim(bottom=0) axHisty.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) axHisty.set_xlim(left=0) int_ticks = MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', integer=True) pruned_ticks = MaxNLocator(prune='lower', nbins='auto', integer=True, min_n_ticks=3) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_locator(int_ticks) axHisty.xaxis.set_major_locator(pruned_ticks) # at this point we have a good looking image, but the aspect ratio # is wrong. Adjust to make it right: old_ax_position = np.array(ax.get_position().get_points()) ax.set_aspect('equal') # this should only shrink the plot? ax_position = ax.get_position().get_points() if ax_position[0,0] != old_ax_position[0,0] or\ ax_position[1,0] != old_ax_position[1,0]: # x extents have moved old_xhist_pos = axHistx.get_position().get_points() # specify new position in terms of [left, bottom, width, height] bottom = old_xhist_pos[0,1] height = old_xhist_pos[1,1] - old_xhist_pos[0,1] left = ax_position[0,0] width = ax_position[1,0] - ax_position[0,0] axHistx.set_position([left, bottom, width, height]) elif ax_position[0,1] != old_ax_position[0,1] or\ ax_position[1,1] != old_ax_position[1,1]: # y extents have moved old_yhist_pos = axHisty.get_position().get_points() # specify new position in terms of [left, bottom, width, height] left = old_yhist_pos[0,0] width = old_yhist_pos[1,0] - old_yhist_pos[0,0] bottom = ax_position[0,1] height = ax_position[1,1] - ax_position[0,1] axHisty.set_position([left, bottom, width, height]) # add a grassy porous layer background (if porous layer present) if self.h_p is not None: grass = np.random.rand(80)*self.L[0] for g in grass: ax.axvline(x=g, ymax=self.h_p/self.L[1], color='.5', zorder=0.5) # plot any ghost structures for plot_func, args in zip(self.plot_structs, self.plot_structs_args): plot_func(ax, *args) # plot ibmesh if self.ibmesh is not None: line_segments = LineCollection(self.ibmesh) line_segments.set_color(self.ibmesh_color) ax.add_collection(line_segments) # include tick labels for endpoints xticks = ax.get_xticks() yticks = ax.get_yticks() if xticks[-1] > self.L[0]: xticks[-1] = np.around(self.L[0], 3) ax.set_xticks(xticks) if yticks[-1] > self.L[1]: yticks[-1] = np.around(self.L[1], 3) ax.set_yticks(yticks) if nohist: return ax else: return ax, axHistx, axHisty ########## 3D plot ########## else: if nohist: ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d') else: # chop up axes for a tight layout with histograms left_s, width_s = 0.025, 0.45 bottom_s, height_s = 0.05, 0.9 bottom_z, bottom_y, bottom_x = 0.05, 0.375, 0.7 height_h, left_h, width_h = 0.25, 0.575, 0.4 rect_scatter = [left_s, bottom_s, width_s, height_s] rect_histx = [left_h, bottom_x, width_h, height_h] rect_histy = [left_h, bottom_y, width_h, height_h] rect_histz = [left_h, bottom_z, width_h, height_h] # create scatter plot ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d') ax.set_title('Organism positions') # No real solution to 3D aspect ratio... #ax.set_aspect('equal','box') # histograms int_ticks = MaxNLocator(nbins='auto', integer=True) axHistx = plt.axes(rect_histx) axHistx.set_xlim((0, self.L[0])) axHistx.set_ylim(bottom=0) axHistx.yaxis.set_major_locator(int_ticks) axHistx.set_ylabel('X ', rotation=0) axHisty = plt.axes(rect_histy) axHisty.set_xlim((0, self.L[1])) axHisty.set_ylim(bottom=0) axHisty.yaxis.set_major_locator(int_ticks) axHisty.set_ylabel('Y ', rotation=0) axHistz = plt.axes(rect_histz) axHistz.set_xlim((0, self.L[2])) axHistz.set_ylim(bottom=0) axHistz.yaxis.set_major_locator(int_ticks) axHistz.set_ylabel('Z ', rotation=0) # 3D plot labels and limits ax.set_xlim((0, self.L[0])) ax.set_ylim((0, self.L[1])) ax.set_zlim((0, self.L[2])) ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Y') ax.set_zlabel('Z') # add a grassy porous layer background (if porous layer present) if self.h_p is not None: grass = np.random.rand(120,2) grass[:,0] *= self.L[0] grass[:,1] *= self.L[1] for g in grass: ax.plot([g[0],g[0]], [g[1],g[1]], [0,self.h_p], 'k-', alpha=0.5) # plot any structures for plot_func, args in zip(self.plot_structs, self.plot_structs_args): plot_func(ax, *args) # plot ibmesh if self.ibmesh is not None: structures = mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(self.ibmesh) structures.set_color(self.ibmesh_color) structures.set_alpha(0.3) ax.add_collection3d(structures) # include tick labels for endpoints xticks = ax.get_xticks() yticks = ax.get_yticks() zticks = ax.get_zticks() if xticks[-1] > self.L[0]: xticks[-1] = np.around(self.L[0], 3) ax.set_xticks(xticks) if yticks[-1] > self.L[1]: yticks[-1] = np.around(self.L[1], 3) ax.set_yticks(yticks) if zticks[-1] > self.L[2]: zticks[-1] = np.around(self.L[2], 3) ax.set_zticks(zticks) if nohist: return ax else: return ax, axHistx, axHisty, axHistz
[docs] def plot_envir(self, figsize=None): '''Plot the environment without the flow, e.g. to verify ibmesh formed correctly, dimensions are correct, etc.''' if figsize is None: if len(self.L) == 2: aspectratio = self.L[0]/self.L[1] if aspectratio > 1: x_length = np.min((6*aspectratio,12)) y_length = 6 elif aspectratio < 1: x_length = 6 y_length = np.min((6/aspectratio,8)) else: x_length = 6 y_length = 6 # with no histogram plots, can adjust other length in edge cases if x_length == 12: y_length = 12/aspectratio elif y_length == 8: x_length = 8*aspectratio fig = plt.figure(figsize=(x_length,y_length)) else: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = self._plot_setup(fig, nohist=True)
[docs] def plot_flow(self, t=None, downsamp=5, interval=500, figsize=None, **kwargs): '''Plot the velocity field of the fluid at a given time t or at all times if t is None. If t is not in self.flow_times, the nearest time will be shown without interpolation. For densely sampled velocity fields, specify an int for downsamp to plot every nth vector in each direction. For time dependent velocity fields, interval is the delay between plotting of each time's flow data, in milliseconds. Defaults to 500. Extra keyword arguments will be passed to pyplot's quiver. 2D arrow lengths are scaled based on the maximum of all the data over all times. ''' if self.flow is None: self.plot_envir(figsize=figsize) return # Locate the flow field that will need plotting, or None if not # time-dependent or we are going to plot all of them. if t is not None and self.flow_times is not None: loc = np.searchsorted(self.flow_times, t) if loc == len(self.flow_times): loc = -1 elif t < self.flow_times[loc]: if (self.flow_times[loc]-t) > (t-self.flow_times[loc-1]): loc -= 1 else: loc = None if downsamp is None: M = 1 else: assert isinstance(downsamp, int), "downsamp must be int or None" assert downsamp>0, "downsamp must be a positive int (min 1)" M = downsamp def animate(n, quiver, kwargs): time_text.set_text('time = {:.2f}'.format(self.flow_times[n])) if len(self.L) == 2: quiver.set_UVC(self.flow[0][n][::M,::M].T, self.flow[1][n][::M,::M].T) else: quiver = ax.quiver(x,y,z,self.flow[0][n][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[1][n][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[2][n][::M,::M,::M], **kwargs) fig.canvas.draw() return [quiver, time_text] if figsize is None: if len(self.L) == 2: aspectratio = self.L[0]/self.L[1] if aspectratio > 1: x_length = np.min((6*aspectratio,12)) y_length = 6 elif aspectratio < 1: x_length = 6 y_length = np.min((6/aspectratio,8)) else: x_length = 6 y_length = 6 # with no histogram plots, can adjust other length in edge cases if x_length == 12: y_length = 12/aspectratio elif y_length == 8: x_length = 8*aspectratio fig = plt.figure(figsize=(x_length,y_length)) else: fig = plt.figure() else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = self._plot_setup(fig, nohist=True) ########## 2D Plot ######### if len(self.L) == 2: if len(self.L) == len(self.flow[0].shape) or t is not None: # Single-time plot. if loc is None: ax.quiver(self.flow_points[0][::M], self.flow_points[1][::M], self.flow[0][::M,::M].T, self.flow[1][::M,::M].T, scale=None, **kwargs) else: ax.quiver(self.flow_points[0][::M], self.flow_points[1][::M], self.flow[0][loc][::M,::M].T, self.flow[1][loc][::M,::M].T, scale=None, **kwargs) else: # Animation plot # create quiver object quiver = ax.quiver(self.flow_points[0][::M], self.flow_points[1][::M], self.flow[0][0][::M,::M].T, self.flow[1][0][::M,::M].T, scale=None, **kwargs) # textual info time_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.95, '', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12) ########## 3D Plot ######### else: x, y, z = np.meshgrid(self.flow_points[0][::M], self.flow_points[1][::M], self.flow_points[2][::M], indexing='ij') if len(self.L) == len(self.flow[0].shape) or t is not None: # Single-time plot. if loc is None: ax.quiver(x,y,z,self.flow[0][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[1][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[2][::M,::M,::M], **kwargs) else: ax.quiver(x,y,z,self.flow[0][loc][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[1][loc][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[2][loc][::M,::M,::M], **kwargs) else: # Animation plot quiver = ax.quiver(x,y,z,self.flow[0][0][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[1][0][::M,::M,::M], self.flow[2][0][::M,::M,::M], **kwargs) # textual info time_text = ax.text2D(0.02, 1, 'time = {:.2f}'.format( self.flow_times[0]), transform=ax.transAxes, animated=True, verticalalignment='top', fontsize=12) if len(self.L) < len(self.flow[0].shape) and t is None: frames = range(len(self.flow_times)) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=frames, fargs=(quiver,kwargs), interval=interval, repeat=False, blit=True, save_count=len(frames))
[docs] def plot_2D_vort(self, t=None, clip=None, interval=500, figsize=None): '''Plot the vorticity of a 2D fluid at the given time t or at all times if t is None. This method will calculate the vorticity on the fly. Clip will limit the extents of the color scale. For time dependent velocity fields, interval is the delay between plotting of each time's flow data, in milliseconds. Defaults to 500. ''' # Locate the flow field that will need plotting, or None if not # time-dependent or we are going to plot all of them. assert len(self.L) == 2, "Flow field must be 2D!" def animate(n, pc, time_text): vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(t_n=n) time_text.set_text('time = {:.3f}'.format(self.flow_times[n])) pc.set_array(vort.T) pc.changed() pc.autoscale() cbar.update_normal(pc) fig.canvas.draw() return [pc, time_text] if figsize is None: aspectratio = self.L[0]/self.L[1] if aspectratio > 1: x_length = np.min((6*aspectratio,12)) y_length = 6 elif aspectratio < 1: x_length = 6 y_length = np.min((6/aspectratio,8)) else: x_length = 6 y_length = 6 # with no histogram plots, can adjust other length in edge cases if x_length == 12: y_length = 12/aspectratio elif y_length == 8: x_length = 8*aspectratio + 0.75 # leave room for colorbar fig = plt.figure(figsize=(x_length,y_length)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = self._plot_setup(fig, nohist=True) ax.set_aspect('equal') if clip is not None: norm = colors.Normalize(-abs(clip),abs(clip),clip=True) else: norm = None if len(self.L) == len(self.flow[0].shape): # Single-time plot from single-time flow vort = self.get_2D_vorticity() pc = ax.pcolormesh(self.flow_points[0], self.flow_points[1], vort.T, shading='gouraud', cmap='RdBu', norm=norm) axbbox = ax.get_position().get_points() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([axbbox[1,0]+0.01, axbbox[0,1], 0.02, axbbox[1,1]-axbbox[0,1]]) fig.colorbar(pc, cax=cbaxes) elif t is not None: vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(time=t) pc = ax.pcolormesh(self.flow_points[0], self.flow_points[1], vort.T, shading='gouraud', cmap='RdBu', norm=norm) ax.text(0.02, 0.95, 'time = {:.3f}'.format(t), transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12) axbbox = ax.get_position().get_points() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([axbbox[1,0]+0.01, axbbox[0,1], 0.02, axbbox[1,1]-axbbox[0,1]]) fig.colorbar(pc, cax=cbaxes) else: # Animation plot # create pcolormesh object # vort = self.get_2D_vorticity(t_n=0) pc = ax.pcolormesh([self.flow_points[0]], self.flow_points[1], np.zeros(self.flow[0].shape[1:]).T, shading='gouraud', cmap='RdBu', norm=norm) axbbox = ax.get_position().get_points() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([axbbox[1,0]+0.01, axbbox[0,1], 0.02, axbbox[1,1]-axbbox[0,1]]) cbar = fig.colorbar(pc, cax=cbaxes) # textual info time_text = ax.text(0.02, 0.95, '', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=12) frames = range(len(self.flow_times)) anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=frames, fargs=(pc,time_text), interval=interval, repeat=False, blit=False, save_count=len(frames))
[docs] def plot_2D_FTLE(self, smallest=False, clip_l=None, clip_h=None, figsize=None): '''Plot the FTLE field as generated by the calculate_FTLE method. The field will be hard to visualize in 3D, so only 2D is implemented here. For 3D visualization, output the field as a vtk and visualize using VisIt, ParaView, etc. TODO: Show a video of 2D slices as a plot of 3D FTLE Parameters ---------- smallest : bool, default=False If true, plot the negative, smallest, forward-time FTLE as a way of identifying attracting Lagrangian Coherent Structures (see Haller and Sapsis 2011). Otherwise, plot the largest, forward-time FTLE as a way of identifying ridges (separatrix) of LCSs. clip_l : float, optional lower clip value (below this value, mask points) clip_h : float, optional upper clip value (above this value, mask points) figsize : tuple, optional matplotlib figsize ''' if self.FTLE_loc is None: print("Error: must generate FTLE field first! Use the calculate_FTLE method of this class.") return if len(self.L) > 2: print("This method is only valid for 2D environments.") return if figsize is None: aspectratio = self.L[0]/self.L[1] if aspectratio > 1: x_length = np.min((6*aspectratio,12)) y_length = 6 elif aspectratio < 1: x_length = 6 y_length = np.min((6/aspectratio,8)) else: x_length = 6 y_length = 6 # with no histogram plots, can adjust other length in edge cases if x_length == 12: y_length = 12/aspectratio elif y_length == 8: x_length = 8*aspectratio + 0.75 # leave room for colorbar fig = plt.figure(figsize=(x_length,y_length)) else: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = self._plot_setup(fig, nohist=True) ax.set_aspect('equal') if smallest: FTLE = -self.FTLE_smallest else: FTLE = self.FTLE_largest if clip_l is not None: FTLE = ma.masked_where(FTLE < clip_l, FTLE) if clip_h is not None: FTLE = ma.masked_where(FTLE > clip_h, FTLE) # if clip_l is not None or clip_h is not None: # norm = colors.Normalize(clip_l,clip_h,clip=True) # else: # norm = None grid_x = np.reshape(self.FTLE_loc[:,0].data, self.FTLE_grid_dim) grid_y = np.reshape(self.FTLE_loc[:,1].data, self.FTLE_grid_dim) pcm = ax.pcolormesh(grid_x, grid_y, FTLE, shading='gouraud', cmap='plasma') if smallest: plt.title('Negative smallest fwrd-time FTLE field, $t_0$={}, $\Delta t$={}.'.format( self.FTLE_t0, self.FTLE_T)) else: plt.title('Largest fwrd-time FTLE field, $t_0$={}, $\Delta t$={}.'.format( self.FTLE_t0, self.FTLE_T)) axbbox = ax.get_position().get_points() cbaxes = fig.add_axes([axbbox[1,0]+0.01, axbbox[0,1], 0.02, axbbox[1,1]-axbbox[0,1]]) plt.colorbar(pcm, cax=cbaxes)
class fCubicSpline(interpolate.CubicSpline): ''' Extends Scipy's CubicSpline object to get info about original fluid data. ''' def __init__(self, flow_times, flow, **kwargs): super(fCubicSpline, self).__init__(flow_times, flow, **kwargs) self.shape = flow.shape self.data_max = flow.max() self.data_min = flow.min() def __getitem__(self, pos): ''' Allows indexing into the interpolator. ''' if type(pos) == int: return self.__call__(self.x[pos]) elif type(pos) == slice: start = pos.start; stop = pos.stop; step = pos.step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = len(self.x) if step is None: step = 1 return np.stack([self.__call__(self.x[n]) for n in range(start,stop,step)]) elif type(pos) == tuple: if type(pos[0]) == int: return self.__call__(self.x[pos[0]])[pos[1:]] elif type(pos[0]) == slice: start = pos[0].start; stop = pos[0].stop; step = pos[0].step if start is None: start = 0 if stop is None: stop = len(self.x) if step is None: step = 1 return np.stack([self.__call__(self.x[n])[pos[1:]] for n in range(start,stop,step)]) else: raise IndexError('Only integers or slices supported in fCubicSpline.') else: raise IndexError('Only integers or slices supported in fCubicSpline.') def __setitem__(self, pos, val): raise RuntimeError("Cannot assign to spline object. "+ "Use regenerate_data to recreate original data first.") def max(self): return self.data_max def min(self): return self.data_min def absmax(self): return np.abs(np.array([self.data_max, self.data_min])).max() def regenerate_data(self): ''' Rebuild the original data. ''' return np.stack([self.__call__(val) for val in self.x])